13 June, 2010

- Harper Spending Our Billions - It's Just Not Right (Morally, That Is)

Posted: 6/13/2010 9:14:45 AM The Globe And Mail
Harper may be ‘ragging the puck’ on detainee records: Ignatieff , Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa June 10, 2010. REUTERS/Chris Wattie

Why not simply defer to House Speaker Peter Milliken as to whether Harper and the Con's are in violation of his order and its intent.

Considering the billions it is costing Canadians for the G8-20 and the dubious, if that, benefits that Canadians or Canada as a whole can reasonably expect,

All the Opposition Parties should be delaying the vote on government's main spending estimates. In fact they should be quashing it.

It seems that Harper and the Con's are now suggesting that the entourages of the 20 leaders will like it so much they will stay for a holiday and then get to see the real Canada. Now that got to be worth 2 billion.

What's that got to do with the G8 or G20. Isn't that what the various tourism departments do. And, when it gets right down to it, it got to be cheaper to simply organize junkets for these people to come over and have a holiday, cheaper by a factor of 100, and with junkets we get to control the message. Why is it Harper is so good at 'Messaging', except this time. Who knows what evil lurks in the Hearts of Harper and the Con's. Without all the obstruction, obscuration, obfuscation, secrecy, refusing disclosure, we would have a much better idea. One thing all Canadians can be sure of, is that Harper is doing it for very narrow partizan purposes and Canada be damned.

In the news is the 16 Billion for "next generation fighter jets". As if that is not, like the G8-20, insanely wasteful enough. It seems Harper and the Con's will be sending the 16 Billion outside Canada.

The Opposition Parties must confront Harper and the Con's on all this insane spending, especially when it does not benefit Canadians, but only Harper, the Con's and their partizan ends.

What better opportunity than this vote on government's main spending estimates.

Also, Harper, how about earmarking that 16 Billion for "next generation Canadians".

Brian Mulroney racked up huge deficits as well and that's despite bringing in the GST and Free Trade with the US, both of which were supposed to give us the good life. There's something about the Con ideology that manifests itself in hypocrisy - one the one hand claiming to be fiscally prudence; but on the other spending Canadian tax payers' hard earned money with free abandon. Perhaps it is the laissez-faire approach to everything, the basic philosophy of unrestrained exercise of power, to the winner go the spoils, as they used to say in ancient Rome (to which the Con's like to compare themselves, despite our society spending the last 2000 years establishing a morality to oppose such corruption): Veni Vidi Vici

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html