03 June, 2010

- Canada yes! Harper, no!

Submitted: 7:54am, PDT, 3 Jun.'10 CBC News


Conservative support ebbs slightly: poll
Last Updated: Thursday, June 3, 2010 | 5:08 AM ET Comments162Recommend48.
CBC News

31.7 per cent of respondents said they would back the Conservatives, while the Liberals remain stuck in the mid-20s with 26.2 per cent.

49.2 per cent of Canadians polled say the country is moving in the right direction and 39.1 per cent say it's moving in the wrong direction

38.9 per cent of Canadians said the government is moving in the right direction, while 48 per cent of respondents believe it is moving in the wrong direction.

Almost 75 per cent of Conservative Party supporters said the government was going in the right direction, according to the poll.


31.7% support the Con's is simply a manifestation (within the margin of error) of the 33% die-hard Con supporters that would support the Con's no matter what, even Harper abandoning Conservatism for personal power and ambition.

What this also means is that of the 38.9% that feel the government is going in the right direction approx 24 points of it are these die-hard Con supporters. In other words, after making this 'die-hard Con' adjustment, at most 14% can be assumed to feel that the government is going in the right direction for non partizan reasons - i.e., based on some kind of objective rationality.

This conclusion is re-enforced by the result that while 50% think Canada is going in the right (morally) direction the only ones that feel it is because Harper and his Con's are doing a good job is 38.9%.

Another interesting things is only 75% of Con supporters feel that Harper is doing a good job. In other words of the 31.7% die-hard Con supporters only 24% are Harper supporters and 8% points aren't. Sounds like a bit of discontent on the Con front. Perhaps these people are dissatisfied with Harper being a closet Con.

Of course, Harper has a strong motive - he strongly suspects that if he dared reveal to the good people of Canada his true intents he would most likely get the boot, and forthwith. Hey Harper, when you're right you're right.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html