03 June, 2010

- Harper Enforcer John Baird is nothing but a big mouth bully.

Submitted: 7:21am, PDT, 3 Jun.'10, CBC News
Ministers' appearance sparks committee chaos, June 2, 2010, CBC News,

Watching the footage on the news last night just re-inforces that John Baird is nothing but a big mouth bully. When it gets right done to it, What has Baird contributed to this great nation of ours.

The thing I don't understand is how Canadians can watch this video and know that John Baird is running this country.

In the Bizarro world of MacLeans Magazine "Be it so moved then that John Baird is a charming fellow." (see: Parliamentarian of the Year: John Baird, The charming Conservative, MacLeans.ca). They must be desperate. You have to admit that it is a big co-incidence that Baird would be receiving such an award, especially given the very dubious merits which this incident at the Committee illustrates and given the possibility of Baird being involved in the Jaffer affair.

There is no doubt that Baird is the epitome of a Con and one of Harper's (along with Peter MacKay) top implementers of the Con strategy of vicious personal attack on anyone that dares stand up to them (i.e. enforcer thu 'bullying' tactics)

Keep in mind that:

The only possible reason Harper and the Con's would take such a strong stance against witnesses testifying in front of a Committee can be that they are afraid of what these people have to say.

Harper and the Con's try to say that some of these assistants are 20 years old and being thrown against hardened MP's. In a Court of Law they would competent (assumingly) and compellable and their testimony could be cogent.

Harper and the Con's are also trying to suggest that the Minister is responsible and so it is the Minister that should testify.

There is no doubt that Minister Baird is responsible.

But, lets get the truth out there then hold the Minister accountable.

The big logical gap in the Con's position is the first part - getting the truth out there. Once again they are doing everything they can to obscure, obstruct, intimidate and try to prevent Canadians from learning the truth.

For the Jaffer case from what has come out so far it is not surprising that John Baird might be one of the the most concerned about the truth getting out. And, he may very well be the reason Harper has been going to such an extreme to keep the lid on this whole sordid affair. If he loses Baird, Harper and the Con's will have a big problem with their credibility in Ontario and could easily lose the next election. Perhaps Harper has ordered Baird to "your the reason we have to hide the truth, so, handle it".

This, of course, explains Baird loosing it at Committee yesterday.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html