01 June, 2010

- A coalition lead by Layton??? - AM I Reading That Right

6/1/2010 10:51:08 AM The Globe and Mail
Young Liberal pushes 'Stop Harper' coalition; Conservatives brag on economy, Jane Taber, 1 Jun.'10
Tab 31

A coalition lead by Layton???

Amazing, just a little while ago I was explaining to someone that a formal coalition between the Liberals and NDP might get my attention as long as they got rid of Layton first. I wounder how many others feel that way. How many Liberals who have had to fight bitterly with Layton over the last 4 or 5 elections would be willing to support him with any real and meaningful sincerity - ask Scott Reid what he thinks. After his accusation against Martin in '04(?) I pretty much lost all respect for the guy.

This result seems to be based on people in Quebec leaving the Block and voting NDP because of Layton. It may well be because the NDP is left of centre and Layton is well identified leader - as opposed to Ignatieff. This is supported by a co-alition with Bob Rae leading the Liberals would end up in a tie.

It seems to me that people should be considering a new Party altogether - Liberal Democrat has a certain ring to it.

And, who better than our youth to do it.

After being in power for 10 years or so, it may be a Party becomes top heavy with people who have the power and influence and not only feel they still know how to do things but they want to be the one that single-handedly brings the Party back to power. Not only do they not understand on an intuitive, anything other than lip service, level changes that the nation has undergone politically, economically, socially and outlook, they are closed to anything new, since, well quite frankly they know it all.

It apparently takes around 8 years for the Party to break up this hardening and rid themselves of this and allow the up and comers who not only intuitively understand the new landscape, they are 'hungry' and willing to work and to learn, and adapt to, what it takes to not only approach the people in the fashion they understand but also to, themselves understand, on a fundamental level, and identify with their concerns and the issues of the day that the people feel are important.

The problem is that if Harper and his Con's are in power long term, there may very well be no more Canada as a nation to run. Terminal and irreversible damage will have been inflicted on the Corpus Nationalis.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html