31 May, 2010

- What Would Happen If There Were a Non-Confidence Vote Before the G8+20 Weekend in TO

Submitted: 8:05am, PDT, 31 May '10 CBC News
Okay, is it Stop Sucking At This Opposition Thing Day at OLO?
May 28, 2010 1:43 PM, By Kady O'Malley, CBC News

Wow, that's just about exactly what I've been saying about this G8+20 meeting. Well, ok, I'm much more articulate, more insightful and more detailed in my analysis and more encompassing.

Me and Kenny. Who would have though that he and I would agree on anything. I guess great minds think alike.

Now Stephen Harper, apparently, is pleading 1 billion for his family planning, provided other governments do similar.

One thing that is not totally clear.

Is that 1 billion of his own money he is pleading to donate. If so, let me remind him that he may not be able to claim all of it on his tax's (I assume!).

Or, is that 1 billion of the Con Party's money. If so, I didn't realize they were raising that much money and I would think it might somehow be in violation of the Elections Act, just a hunch.

Or, is it 1 billion of Canadians hard earned tax money?

No, can't be.

When did Harper ask us if we wanted to spend 1 billion to promote his extreme right wing, theo-Con International Family Planning policy that most Canadians don't want, is diametrically opposite to Canadian policy for the last 25 years and is contrary to the policies of most G8 countries.

A Con once said, "People can't live on credit cards, and economies can't live on wild, partizan spending" . . . ok, ok, 'a Con once should have said'

How about, cancel the 'G8+20' for now.

Then, lets take a real look at what real benefit Canada could possibly receive (as a nation - as opposed to promoting the partizan self-interest of Harper and his Con's); what the real costs would be; and here something that might be important, whether we can afford it right now.

Oh my God, don't tell me, it's a "Cost-Benefit analysis with some fiscal prudence thrown in" - I've created a monster.

"[Stephen Harper] insisted Canada "will lead the way" in the coming G8 and G20 summits to push for countries to get their fiscal houses in order.

Yah, and Harper and the Con's are spending over two billion, and counting, of Canadian taxpayers hard earned money to tell them that.

Stephen, here's a suggestion. Save Canada a billion and 'Issue a Press Release'.

How about, cancel the 'G8+20' for now.

Then, lets take a real look at what real benefit Canada could possibly receive (as a nation - as opposed to promoting the partizan self-interest of Harper and his Con's); what the real costs would be; and here something that might be important, whether we can afford it right now.

Oh my God, don't tell me, it's a "Cost-Benefit analysis with some fiscal prudence thrown in" - I've created a monster.

What would happen if there is a Non-Confidence Vote before the planned G8+20 weekend.

Lloyd MacILquham