26 May, 2010

- Stephen Harper and his Con's are Our Problem, Blaming Ignatieff for Our Problem Solves Nothing

Submitted: 6:18am, PDT, 26 May '10 The Toronto Star
Walkom: Bill C-9 and the failure of Michael Ignatieff’s LiberalsComment on this story, Thomas Walkom, 26 may '10

We have no one to blame for Harper and his Con's than ourselves. To suggest that it is somehow the Liberals shows a complete lack of understanding of the current political dynamic in Canada.

You can blame Ignatieff all you want. But, . . .

We will have to explain this to our children and our children's children why we allowed Harper to tear Canada asunder, leave them with withering debt and stood by while their Earth was poisoned to death.

Ignatieff did stand up last August and state the Liberals were not prepared to support the Con's and if that resulted in a non-confidence vote then so be it.

Unfortunately he learned in very quick order that Canadians did not want an election.

The problem is that by forcing an election will the Canadian electorate backlash to such an extent that Harper gets a majority. This, of course, would be a disaster for Canada of national proportions.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog

Submitted: 6:29am, PDT, 26 May '10

. . . Continued

We must consider the impact of all the Harper actions on our Nation and the Legacy we leave to our children and our children's children to prevent Harper from tearing asunder what has been built thru the blood sweat and tears of our forefathers, maintain what those that came before us have achieved in the past, and perhaps improve on it, if possible, and leave our children with the appreciation of us having lived here and not a bitter resentment that we were ever given a turn at the helm.

We can not blame Ignatieff and the Liberals for our problem.

If the people of Canada want Harper out they will have to make it be known.

If the people of Canada want an election they will have to make it that be known as well.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog