23 May, 2010

- Is There No End To Harper and his Con's

Posted: 2:30pm, PDT, 23 May `10
Feds eyeing online forums to correct 'misinformation', CTV News, May, 23 2010

"The firm alerts the government to questionable online comments and then employees in Foreign Affairs or the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, who have recently been trained in online posting, point the authors to information the government considers more accurate. "

Now, do these government employees who do this posting do it under their real names and/or, the Federal Government department they are working for.

Or, is this some kind of Con to promote Harper and the Con's party at the tax payers' expense. Yah, like Harper would ever dream of doing that kind of thing. Oh, I forgot the two CTV articles today:
"PM used government jets over 50 times to sell stimulus" & "Flaherty's late-night flight raises questions"

And like a die-hard Con would be so duplicitous as to not give their real name when they post a comment somewhere misrepresenting Canada

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog