29 May, 2010

- Fellow Canadians stand tall, be counted and, as one, tell Harper to "Cancel the G8 & G20"

Submitted: Submitted 8:51am, PDT, 28 May '10
Harper to cities: stimulus must end, May 28, 2010

"[Stephen Harper] insisted Canada "will lead the way" in the coming G8 and G20 summits to push for countries to get their fiscal houses in order.

Yah, and Harper and the Con's are spending over a billion of Canadian taxpayers hard earned money to tell them that.

Stephen, here's a suggestion. Save Canada a billion and 'Issue a Press Release'.

If Harper is leading the way in putting fiscal houses in order then there must be some good reason that is not fathomable to mere average Canadians, to justify the billion dollars Con party.

Perhaps they are holding one big bash before Harper resigns and the Con's return whence the came. Now that might be worth it, but then all Canadians should be invited - it would save on having two such parties.

Other than feeding the ego's of Stephen Harper and Jim Flaherty, promoting the Con self-interests, giving them and other Cabinet Ministers an excuse to Globe trot, providing a platform for Harper to promote his not so hidden anti-abortion agenda and for Flaherty to give the impression they are tough on taxes and promote this very dubious alternative to the International Bank transaction charges, "embedded contingent capital", which is obviously intended simply to be able to say he proposed an alternative, why are we holding the G6 and G20.

As stated in the National Post on 27 May:
"Sure, being host to their counterparts gives nations’ heads of government plenty of photo opportunities to look influential and to bulk up their parties’ campaign brochures"

I see Tony Clament is getting a photo opp's (see: CBC News, 26 May '10). What does he have to do with the G20 anyway,oh sorry, I forgot, he's a Con.

I wonder if any Liberals will be placed front and centre.

Just keep in mind that the only reason Harper and his Con's can do these things is because we let them.

There is a certain logic to Harper saying this is what Canadians want, since, presumably if we didn't, he get the boot and forthwith.

We, the Canadian people, are ultimately responsible and we, the Canadian people, and our children and our children's children, and their children, down thru the ages, will ultimately have to pay.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog