12 May, 2010

- Harper, a Dirty Little Secret - The Con You Say!

Submitted: 7:55am, PDT, 12 May '10 CBC News
U.K. coalition starts new era
May 12, 2010, CBC News

A co-alition in a minority govrenment is a violation of the voters' will, a Parliamentary coup, you must have another election.

Stephen Harper did expound these 'Con-stitutional' principles.

Now it is irrefutable that Harper was deliberately Con'ing Canadians when the Liberal and the NDP joined together to form a coalition.

The real purpose was to incite his core die-hard supporters concentrated in Alberta, not to show that Harper had the support of the Canadian people but as a 'show of support' (i.e. force). The 'protests' organized were of course to this end. There is very little other rational explanation for organizing protesting in front of the Governor-General's residence prior to her making her decision. But, Harper didn't organize these protests you say - yah, right! another Con!

Anyone that thinks that Harper is not capable of confrontation in any such transfer of power is simply wrong. Perhaps Harper would release a copy of the transcripts of his two hour meeting with the Governor General. Oh, I forgot, tradition says it is confidential - another Con by Harper. Tradition is that in Canada's system of government Parliament is supreme. The fact is that Harper could release it if he wanted, if he didn't have a dirty little secret to hide. Given the importance to Canada and its potentially precedent setting status, it is essential to Canadian democracy that they be released. We must have some basis for the decision otherwise Harper can Prorogue Parliament any time he gets into trouble. Oh, I forgot he does.

This also highlights the importance of choosing the Governor General and Ignatieff is right (morally) to speak out and flag it for all Canadians. Essentially the Governor General is the referee in these matters, there is nothing after this. It is unimaginable if this break down, or perhaps it is imaginable and has been so be Harper, thus explaining the inflammatory, completely wrong, rhetoric to incite core supporters.

As the Liberal Democratic leading in England says in a coalition:

"Co-operation wins out over confrontation".

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html