20 May, 2010

- Harper and the Cons - Ignorance is bliss

Not Allowed to Post: The National Post
Matt Gurney: Michael Ignatieff thinks he's more Canadian than you are, May 18, 2010, http://network.nationalpost.com/NP/blogs/fullcomment/archive/2010/05/18/matt-gurney-untitled-ignatieff.aspx#comments

"‘They say it makes me less of a Canadian. It makes me more of a Canadian.’”

Wait, wait … stop the speech, sir. You are more Canadian than whom, pray tell? The crowd you were speaking to? The Prime Minister? Exactly how much of the Canadian population gets pushed to second-class citizenship in your new elitist concept of super-Canadiandom?"

Grammatically and contextually (I know, I know, parsing a statement with logic, how novel) he is referring to himself and what he might have been had he not have had those out-of-Canada experiences. And, as they say, 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'..

For those that never went outside Canada before ...ah ah aaaa Harp chooo ...er, sorry, sneezed, I can see how they may not be able to relate to such things.

Being outside Canada and experiencing first hand other cultures, ways-of-life, political systems makes Ignatieff that much more aware and appreciative of what Canad has and what our fore-fathers have built up over generations with their blood-sweat-and-tears. It also makes more acute exactly what it is that the Harper and Con's policies and actions are destroying.

Not having this enlightened and broadened eye-opening experience before attaining power Harper and the Con's are taking what Canada is for granted as if they, single handed and with the support of a small minority can change radically to the extreme right at the wave of a hand Canadian culture, society and what it means to Canadians - Ignorance is bliss.

The fact of the matter is, Harper has spent more of his public life dedicated to tearing Canada asunder than Ignatieff has spent outside Canada. That is a significant difference all Canadian ought to sit up and take note.

Being outside Canada has given Ignatieff a rich experience that can make for an enlightened leader.
I have an idea, how about listing Ignatieff's Resume and compare it to Harper's Resume and see who is more qualified to lead Canada to a better future.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html