18 May, 2010

It is time for Michael the Archangel to drive Satin from Heaven - Rock On Iggy!

No Postings allowed - The Toronto Star
Michael Ignatieff accuses Conservatives of “divide in order to rule” politics, Linda Diebel, 18 May, 2010, The Toronto Star

Finally, Iggy has decided to go after Harper and the Con's weakness -vis.: Harper and the Con's

Iggy is absolutely right (morally that is) and all you need do is read my Blog posting for the last 2 and a half years to get more details.

He is still feeling his way around the counter to the Harper and the Con 'Just Visiting' attack.

However, he is in the right (morally) direction and will eventually hit on it.

Or, Iggy and his inner circle could read my Blog - I normally don't like to blow my own horn, but this is special.

The fact is that Harper has spent more of his public life with the purpose of tearing Canada asunder than Iggy has spent outside Canada. I will let Iggy's people do the research for themselves (it's good for the soul) that confirms this.

Harper and the Con' are 'Gravely' mistaken on 'cultural war' and it was incorrectly labeled by Graves.

It is much more fundamental and archival: good v. evil, right (morally) v. wrong, rationally based v. ideologically based policies, reason v. emotion, the good of Canada as a whole v. the good of a small group, secularism v. self-righteous based government by a few, tolerance v. intolerance, Democracy v. tyrannical rule by an Executive, modern human rights based society v. medi-evil dark-ages, freedom v. tyranny, openness v. secrecy, moderation v. extremism, etc., etc., etc.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html