04 May, 2010

- Harper, stifling free speech - Well Shut My Mouth!

Submitted: 9:29am, PDT, 4 May'10 The Toronto Star

Aid groups advised to ‘shut the f--- up’ on abortion, Toronto Star, 3 May'10

Susan Delacourt suggests "nice guys finish last".

However, I would think more in line with our long tradition of Christian values and something that all Canadians ought to take very seriously, especially for the International stage:

"you reap what you sow"

and, of course,

"those that live by the sword die by the sword".


There is absolutely no doubt that Stephen Harper, John Baird, Peter MacKay and the other Con's have a very well developed, and well used, strategy to viciously attack anyone that stands up to them.

There is no doubt that one of its purposes is to throw a chill over any open and public criticism. We have seen it now countless times.

It is a very old strategy, along the lines of those expounded by Machiavelli in his time, and employed many, many times since then. To this end Harper and the Con have built the biggest propaganda machine seen in any Western Democracy in recent History. It is part of a much larger Extreme Rightist Movement in the US, and elsewhere, and in fact, Harper takes his marching orders from 'South of the Border' and has basically taken up the banner dropped by GW Bush.

The question is, is this what Canada has turned into. Is this how we want to define ourselves both domestically and Internationally. If not why in God's name is Harper running this country.

Submitted: 9:47am, PDT, 4 May '10
Stephen Harper, deliberately stifling free speech by viciously attacking anyone who dares stand up to him - The Devil You Say!

Tom Flanagan a little while ago suggested that Harper's attack strategy was in line with the way politics was done in Ancient Rome.
Globe and mail, “Have the Liberals gone soft? Why are they upset over attack ads?”, 13 Jul.’09, Tom Flanigan

It is very revealing that Harper and the Cons would turn to Roman politics for justification of their extremely negative attack ads and other political methodologies.

Ever since the advent of Christianity, we have not turned to the Romans for our moral instructions.

The Roman method of politics lead to dictatorship and finally degradation and ruin. Not the best example for political instruction. As far as I can see for the last 2000 years our society has considered the Roman Republic and her politics corrupt in the extreme. Enter stage 'right' Bush and Harper.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html