26 May, 2010

- We simply Can't Afford Stephen Harper and his Con's

Submitted: 8:06am, PDT, 26 May '10 CBC News

G8, G20 security bill at least $833M

Other than feeding the ego's of Stephen Harper and Jim Flaherty, promoting the Con self-interests, giving them and other Cabinet Ministers an excuse to Globe trot, providing a platform for Harper to promote his not so hidden anti-abortion agenda and for Flaherty to give the impression they are tough on taxes and promote this very dubious alternative to the International Bank transaction charges, "embedded contingent capital", which is obviously intended simply to be able to say he proposed an alternative, why are we holding the G6 and G20.

Canada is paying a billion dollars for Harper, Flaherty and the Con to embarrass us on the International Stage and do some serious International damage.

I know, Harper is flexing Canada's Oil Super Power status. Well, we've see to what extent the other nations of the world cow-tow to Harper.

Toews is saying that this cost is not a budget overrun. So, presumably they knew from before they proposed it that it would cost so much.

This is outrageous.

It's much worse than the Gun Registry over-runs - at Canadians get some benefit from it

We simply can't afford it.

We simply can't afford to have Harper and his Con's running our country.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog