11 January, 2011

- Who Is Harper Trying to Con

Submitted: 10:49 & 10:55 AM on January 11, 2011

Canada ranks last in freedom of information: study, Dean Beeby, The Canadian Press, Jan. 09, 2011

"Only about 16 per cent of the 35,000 requests filed last year resulted in the full disclosure of information, compared with 40 per cent a decade ago, she [Canada's information commissioner Suzanne Legault] noted.

And delays in the release of records continue to grow, with just 56 per cent of requests completed in the legislated 30-day period last year, compared with almost 70 per cent at the start of the decade.

. . .

Parliament did broaden the number of federal institutions covered by the Act, but growing delays and excessive censorship have plagued the system, prompting repeated public scoldings from the last three information commissioners.

At least three government departments are currently under investigation for alleged political interference in the release of documents, which has led to the resignation of a ministerial aid.

. . .

Canada's lost leadership in the world of freedom-of information parallels its reduced standing at global environmental conferences and its recent failure to win a seat on the UN Security Council."

“It was our government that greatly expanded and strengthened the Access to Information Act in 2006.” ???

Who is Stockwell Day trying to con:

The then Access Commissioner John Reid in his scathing emergency report of the proposed legislation stated: "No previous government, since the Access to Information Act came into force in 1983, has put forward a more retrograde and dangerous set of proposals".
He further warned: the Bill would make it easier for the government to cover up wrongdoing; to shield itself from embarrassment; and, to control the flow of information to Canadians (CanWest, 29 Apr.'06)

Even a rocket scientist, unacquainted with the big 'Con', can look at these data:

ATI requests,
Now v. 10 years ago:

- Full disclosure: 16% down from 40%
- Completed in the legislated 30 days: 56% down from 70%

and conclude that Mr. Reid's warnings were well founded and since Harper gained power, Canadians rights to access to information has been seriously curtailed.

In fact the deception, obscuration, obfuscation, obstruction, hypocrisy are so bad that you simply can not take Harper and his Con's at their words for anything.

The only thing we can be confident of is when Harper or any of the Con's assert something, we need look somewhere else for the truth.

Harper's strategy in such curtailment of information is simply to not 'wake the sleeping moderate majority', since

as long as the Harper policies, and his misleading Canadians, do not consolidate the opposition then Harper can, and continues to, mislead.

Unless all Canadians are willing to stand up, be counted, and in unison say "I want my Canada back" Harper will continue to mislead and transform Canada into something Canadians just don't want.

Why are Harper and the Con's so steeped in deception, obscuration, obfuscation, obstruction, hypocrisy and to such a degree you simply can not take Harper and his Con's at their words for anything. The only thing we can be confident of is when Harper or any of the Con's assert something, we need look somewhere else for the truth.

It must be something about a well informed public that Harper and the Con's don't like.
Liberal and comprehensive rights to access information, available to all, unobstructed and vigilantly exercised, is a cornerstone of modern, open and free, democracy, protecting all from a closed, secretive government intent on using the powers entrusted to them for their self interest and interests contrary to the will of the people.

The open, transparent, free and unobstructed flow of information ought to be enshrined in our Charter of Rights. Its obstruction and obscuration, and in the extreme, by Harper and the Con’s shows us the dire need for this.

"How can you cast your vote intelligently if you don't know what's going on?"
(Robert Marleau, previous information commissioner).

Access to information affords the stuff whereby the individual may forge both sword and shield to uphold human rights, without which no amount legislation can guaranty these rights and so, should therefore stand on the same footing.

Harper and the Con's, of course, know all this.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html