18 January, 2011

- Harper's attack ads - kind of an insult to the intelligence and integrity of Canadians, now isn't it.

Submtted: 7:54am & 1:10pm PST, 18 Jan.'11, The Toronto Star

Conservative ads are ‘lowball attacks,’ Ignatieff says, Linda Diebel, Toronto Star, 18 Jan.'11

Stephen Harper's attack ads take the place of setting out in clear and concise form the rational bases his policies on just about everything: $16 billions on F-35's, $10's billions on prisons, hobbling Canada fiscally by reducing reviews by $6 billion per year at a time with the Corporate tax & GST reductions, moving the G20 to downtown Toronto from Tony Clement's riding so it wouldn't get trashed, eliminating the Long Form Census, proroguing Parliament (twice), etc., etc., etc.

Perhaps Harper feels that he does not need to explain himself and his policies.

This is true as long as Harper and the Con's have a core of die-hard supporters (33%); and, the Moderate Majority representing 66% of the people of Canada don't consolidate.

It is these 33% Harper's ads are reaching out to, the 66% that require an explanation he simply is not interested in.

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