09 January, 2011

- The Harper Effect

Submitted: 10:58 AM on January 9, 2011 The Globe and Mail
Employers gain confidence, good jobs stage comeback , Jeromy Torobin, Globe and Mail, Jan. 08, 2011

These 'stats' appear to be thrown into serious doubt by the independent and objective
"Economists at Scotia Capital Inc. questioned whether such a huge rise in Canadian factory employment was really possible, given the tentative environment for exports to the United States".

Also, the significance as an indication of how well our economy is doing is brought into question when you read Carney's lament:
"that only about half of the job growth since the recession was in the private sector and many jobs were 'involuntary part-time.'"

and, the observation
"Indeed, total hours worked have not returned to precrisis levels, and much of the job creation last year was in government jobs or came from self-employment."

The political reality now, brought to our awareness by the Long Forms Census issue, is that with everything coming from any department of this government we must ask ourselves first: is this information likely to give Harper and the Con's a boost; if so, to what extent may we rely on it; and secondly, is there objective, independent verification.

Yes, I know, seeking objective, independent verification sounds a lot like what the Parliamentary Budget Officer did regarding the infrastructure stimulus program - go to those directly involved and ask them, thereby getting independent, objective evidence - and we all know what happened there.

But, that way you get away from the Harper effect (resulting from the viscous attacks by Harper, Flaherty and the other Con's on anyone that dares to stand up and say anything that might not be in line with Harper). Harper and the Con's have had 5 years to create, develop and maintain this insidious atmosphere of influence.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html