03 January, 2011

- Harper & Flaherty - Sounds Like They're in some kind of Bizarro World where if it's 'Right' it's 'right'.

Submitted: 9:56 & 9:59am, PST, 3 Jan.'11 Toronto Star
Canada’s economy is struggling to keep up with resurgent G7.
The national economy is “running below capacity,” warns Canadian Auto Workers economist Jim Stanford, Jan 2 2011, The Toronto Star

"Canada averaged a 1.7 per cent advance during the period, beating out Italy’s 1.5, but below every other country in the G7. Germany tops the list with an impressive 6.1 per cent in growth."

Am I reading this 'Right'.

Didn't Stephen Harper, as Prime Minister of Canada, go in front of all Canadians just a few days ago in his New Year's Message and quite 'uncategorically' state:

"While the global recession persists and the economic recovery remains fragile, our Government’s Economic Action Plan is helping Canada emerge from the global economic crisis faster and stronger than most other major industrial countries."
(PM highlights Government’s 2010 accomplishmentsm, 31 Dec.'10

But, according to the facts as set out in this article, that can't be 'right' (morally, that is).

So then if we are in second last place with drastically slower growth than countries like Germany, then what in the world is Flaherty talking about when he says that he wants to maintain Canada's economic performance.

Is this some kind of Bizarro World where if it's 'Right' it's 'right'.

Don't tell me that we are all being con'd by Stephen Harper, Jim Flaherty and the rest of the Con's; that we can't rely on a word they are saying; that everything they say is solely, exclusively and extremely partisan uber-hype.

Then what about Flaherty's recent statement:

“In 2010, it became clear that Canada had emerged from the deepest worldwide economic crisis since the 1930s in relatively good shape,”

Does that mean that, in reality, we are not in such "relatively good shape"

His statement:
“But we are mindful that the recovery is fragile and there are still too many people out of work. " seems to be closer to the truth.

However, it is scary (and a non-sequitur for those who are keeping track) when he uses that to conclude that Canada should be:
"sticking to our plan.” (G&M, 1 Jan.'10)

And what exactly is this Harper 'Master Con Plan' anyway. Is this just a make-over of their "do nothing" economic policies and allow Canada to sink into the unregulated, unmitigated quagmire of laisse-faire, cut-throat capitalism, from which our forefathers, through their blood, sweat and tears took generations raising our society.

And what about the Ontario & Quebec economies anyway, don't they need assistance.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html