28 January, 2011

- Send Harper Back from Whence He Came - Yes, Yes, Yes

Submitted: 6:22am, PST 28 Jan.'11 Winnipeg Free Press
Latest round of Tory attack ads spark backlash, Joan Bryden, The Canadian Press, 01/27/2011

Ignatieff's Yes, Yes, Yes Speech

So What's Wrong About Being Passionate About Giving Harper the Boot anyway

- Is Harper and his attack ads dishonest, deceitful and an insult to the Intelligence and Integrity of all Canadians' - Yes, Yes, Yes,

- Is it an embarrassment to have Harper our Prime Minister, not only amongst ourselves but on the International stage as well - Yes, Yes, Yes

- Is Harper PM because of the 33% core of die-hard, right wing extremist supporters, epi-centre in Alberta - Yes, Yes, Yes

- And because the Moderate Majority (66%) are not consolidated in giving him the boot - Yes, Yes,Yes

- Have Stephen Harper and the Con's built the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western democracies in recent history - Yes, Yes, Yes

- Is Harper only interested in power, obtaining and maintaining it, Canada and Canadians be dam[redacted]ed - Yes, Yes, Yes

- Is Harper a Right Wing Extremist Ideology, bent on tearing asunder Canada and what our forefathers through their blood, sweat and tears built - Yes, Yes, Yes

- Do we want our children to be proud of what we pass on to them, and not regret that we ever let Harper have a hand at the helm - Yes, Yes, Yes

- Is Harper the only PM in the history of this great and proud (up till now, anyway) nation we call Canada that to all the above questions we must say "Yes, Yes, Yes" - Yes, Yes, Yes

- Have Canadians had enough of Harper and his gang of Con's - You tell me.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html