22 January, 2011

- Mr. Mulroney, What Are You Suggesting. Harper? Do "Big Things"? - God Save Canada!

Posted: 11:52 AM on January 22, 2011 & 11:57 AM on January 22, 2011 The Globe and Mail

Mulroney’s advice to Harper: Do something big, Jane Taber, Globe and Mail, January 21, 2011

Jane Taber? - Ooops!, it seems my posting get taken down with alarming regularity when Jane Taber is the author.

I sometimes suspect it has been using the phrase:

"Harper and the Con's are supported by a core of die-hard right wing, extremist supporters (33% - under review for downward adjustment) epi-centred in Alberta that provide the funds and support that keep him in power. "
- go figure???.

However, given its 'Rightness' perhaps she, or whoever it is, has other reasons.

Mea Culpa: I sneezed once, ok it was a few times, while writing a post to one of her articles, which just happened to be, in my opinion, some inane thing . . . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed (see: - Dear Jane Taber . . . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed, Dec. 12, 2009) .
I received approx. 225 "thumbs down" in approx 10 minutes or so on that one - think she is holding a grudge.

I didn't do either this time, so let's see what happens.


The biggest fear all Canadians should have is if Harper does do some " transformational things" and "transform" our country.

This is especially in the area of Health care.

We all know what that would mean - elimination of Health Care, elimination of transfer payments, dismantling of Federal policies and abdication of responsibility of the Federal government.

All the things that make this country a great place to live in, be born in, grow up in, to be proud to say "I'm Canadian" would be torn asunder, everything our forefathers built with their blood, sweat and tears undone.

There are a number of fundamental differences between Mulroney and Harper.

- Mulroney was, simply, manifestly not right wing extremist. Mulroney was right of centre, there is no doubt about that, and I disagreed, strongly on occasion, with many of his policies and/or their implementation. Mulroney did do some 'big' things that did have a big impact, the wisdom of their implementation dubious, but they were not extremist.

- Mulroney acted, apparently, in what he though was for Canada and all Canadians. Harper acts for the benefit of a few, 33% die-hard supporters that keep him in office. Mulroney had majorities, and if I recall quite sizable ones at that.

With Harper, a consolidation of the Moderate Majority would put him out of office. Harper knows this and so must do everything to obscure, obstruct, obfuscate, lest he "awaken the giant".

Mulroney was quite open, it seemed, except the part about when he was, instead of being in control was, in reality, rolling the dice regarding Canada's fate.

Harper knows what he wants and is ruthlessly, systematically, albeit surreptitiously, going about implementing it.

"On the economy, he [Mulroney] credits Mr. Harper and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty with being competent managers of the 'public interest'.”

So, does that mean Mulroney agrees with the two point reduction in GST, the policies changes on income trusts, the $10 billions on increased prison facilities, the billion or so on the G-20 - and putting it in downtown Toronto thus exposing it to the trashing, the $16 billions and counting for F-35's, etc., perhaps he could clarify that.

Also, just what does "competent" mean and why should we settle for such mediocrity.

Chrétien, Martin and the Liberals did an outstanding job, what Mulroney is referring to as 'remarkable, big, transformational' on the economy, digging us out of the hole he, Mulroney, himslef put us in (perhaps that explains the nature of his comments on this) and putting Canada's fiscal and economic condition in great shape - strong enough that Harper, Flaherty and the Con's could simply 'do nothing' (in Flaherty's words) and not have our economy ruined - knowing when to leave tings alone can be leadership, can't it?

- Mulroney was considered an environmental champion. Harper is the opposite, the oil profits must flow (albeit mostly outside Canada) , environment be dam[redacted]ed.

- Mulroney was PC = Progressive Conservative. Harper is a Conservative. There is nothing Progressive about Harper, his ideology or the Con Party. The Conservative Party is not a continuation of the Progressive Conservative party and I challenge anyone, Mulroney included, to state, categorically, otherwise.

If Harper were to get a majority he would do "big things" and we, as Canadians, all of us, should be afraid, really afraid.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html