28 January, 2011

- So What's Wrong About Being Passionate About Giving Harper the Boot anyway?

Would Tories use an Ignatieff clip out of context? ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ , Jane Taber, Globe and Mail, January 27, 2011

[Opps - Jane Taber again - oh well. My last two weren't pulled so perhaps there's hope, yet]
The Harper attack ads give rise to the following insightful political question:

So, What's Wrong About Being Passionate About Giving Harper the Boot anyway? - I mean other than it being not 'Right' (ideologically as opposed to morally that is)

- Is Harper and his attack ads dishonest, deceitful and an insult to the Intelligence and Integrity of all Canadians' - Yes, Yes, Yes,

. . . see my post below . . .

- Send Harper Back from Whence He Came - Yes, Yes, Yes

- Have Canadians had enough of Harper and his gang of Con's - You tell me.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html