31 January, 2011

- If creating Jobs is Your Priority - Give Harper the Boot - It's Just That Simple

Posted: 1:15 PM on January 31, 2011
Economy Lab: Five reasons to say no to more corporate tax cuts, Armine Yalnizyan, Globe and Mail Blog, January 28, 2011

[Harper Corp Tax Cuts! Huh! Good God y'all, What are they good for? Absolutely nothing, Say it again . . . (parody: Edwin Starr – War)]


The rational approach.


Perhaps Stephen Harper, Jim Flaherty, John Baird and any other Con that thinks they're up to it might respond in kind (rationally that is), point-by-point. I mean other than the simply emotional spewing out of platitudes like they will create jobs.

Now that would be refreshing.

However, don't hold your breath.

The Corporate tax cuts by Harper and the Con's is ideologically based to placate the core of die-hard (33) right-wing , extremist supporters, epi-centred in Alberta - the Moderate Majority (66%), i.e. Canadians, be dam[redacted]ed. As long as the Moderate Majority do not consolidate, Harper will be able to, and will, continue. If he were to get a majority all I can say is "God save Canada".

Of the Corporations that can benefit at all from these tax cuts, a very significant % are international with, themselves, a very significant part of the ownership - and ultimate beneficiaries of the cuts - outside Canada. In other words for each dollar in such tax cuts only a per-centage - and I suggest this article reveals that this per-centage is not very big at all, goes back to creating jobs in Canada.

It's just that simple.

"Canada's debt increasing by $200 billion from 2007 - '08 to '15 - '16, is assuming Canada stays on its current course - you know, 'steady as she goes', without the opposition 'seizing the wheel'.

It represents a 50% increase in our debt, in 5 short years, with Harper and Flaherty at the helm.

Keep in mind that the revenues lost by the reduction in GST ($12b/yr) and the corporate tax reduction ($6b/yr) as well as the subsidies to the oil sands corp's ($1.4b) will make up approx half of this debt increase ($12+$6+$1.4=$19.4 X 5 yrs = $100b) and when you consider financing costs it's probably more like 2/3rds - thanks Steve, thanks Jim, thanks Stockwell.

It is not clear that this projected increase includes the $10's b's in increased prison facilities (oh, my mistake, it's the Provinces that must pay - that makes me feel a lot better) or the $16b and counting for the F-35's, etc..

So, it's the Con policies, not the stimulus spending, that will cause this catastrophic mushrooming of debt with Harper and the Con's at the helm.

And, this debt will have been incurred for no other reason than Harper and the Con's efforts to buy their way into power and maintain it so they may tear Canada asunder and drag us to the extreme right.

Our children and our children's children will be paying for this 'Conversion to Con'ism' for generations."
(posted: 4 Nov.'10 - cicblog.com/comments.htm)

Those who have held stewardship before us worked and sacrificed hard to build, and were vigilant to maintain, a nation, separate unto ourselves, for which we can all be proud.
Let us do the same and hand off to our children a Canada that we all can be proud of and not something for which our children, burdened with the crippling effects of Con'ism, will regret that we were ever given a chance at the helm.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html