13 November, 2010

- Symbol of The Harper Regime - Bird Droppings???

Posted: 12:08 PM on November 13, 2010 Globae and Mail
Peter MacKay is no lame duck, Tim Powers, Globe and Mail, November 12, 2010

Tim Powers:

On Peter MacKay, "I take him at his word".

I wonder if I David Orchard and the Progressive Conservatives feel the same way.
(Peter MacKay won the leadership of the PC Party as a result of a back-room deal with David Orchard. According to Wikipedia "it was eventually revealed that the infamous 'Orchard deal' promised . . . no merger or joint candidates with the Canadian Alliance, and a promise to redouble efforts to rebuild the national status of the Progressive Conservative Party', 31 May '03.)

"I have seen more than enough evidence to suggest he is doing fine work "

Perhaps you, amongst the 33% die-hard, right-wing-extremist Con supporters, do feel that way. Given your intimate and central Conservative connection, is it surprising that you are saying this. Apparently, your coming out in the media to bolster beleaguered Con Ministers is a well planned media strategy (compare: Jason Kenny article in the G&M, 12 Nov.'10).

But, what about:

the 2/3rds Canadians that are not die-hard, right-wing-extremist supporters of Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party.


all those Canadians who feel:
- F-35's are not needed for Canada nor that we can afford the price.

- Canada's role on the International Arena is that of mediator, peacekeeper.

- Canada ought not to go down the path of militarization.

- MacKay abandoned them when he sold his soul to the extreme right to further his desire for power.

- a politicians' moral touchstone is that truth ought not to be based on whether it appears in Hansard, but rather whether it, in fact, occurred, and have the honour to say it.

". . . dropping excrement for the sake of it."

What is it with Con's and bird droppings - some kind of psychological 'transference'.

As far as viscous personal attacks on those that dare to stand up, be counted, and say something that the Con's don't like that rates about a 2/10. I hope this isn't indicative of what we can expect in the running up to the next election.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html