12 November, 2010

- Harper v. MacKay - Who's Making Book on This

Submitted: 7:53 & 7:57 PST, 12 Nov.'10 The Toronto Star
Hébert: MacKay the latest to quack in lame duck cabinet, Chantal Hébert. The Toronto Star, Nov 12 2010

Peter MacKay being kept in the shadows; rumours of him 'jumping ship' by the next election

Sounds like there's a Power Struggle Afoot.

Given MacKay's normal very vociferous support for the military and the 65 F-35 purchases and given MacKay's part in the formation of the Conservative Party and thus Harper becoming PM, this is significant.

It is indicative of a behind the scenes power struggle between MacKay and Harper, of a nature and degree that any other Minister would be summarily discharged from Cabinet, if not Caucus.

The reversal by Stephen Harper on Canada's future roll in Afghanistan from no more than protecting the occasional diplomat to up to 1000 solders 'training' Afghan troops (with lingering undertones of this training being in 'active' combat - Harper is saying no, but then, he mislead us once on this file) is not likely to be there reason, except, perhaps that Harper doesn't want to go as far as MacKay on this.

It seems to me that the only thing that would cause such an internal power struggle is the procurement of the 65 F-35's, which MacKay has invested all his credibility, both with the military and with all Canadians.

In other words, Harper may be getting ready to announce that Canada is not going to proceed with the procurement and MacKay is saying that he will resign if Harper does. These rumours of secret discussions with private law firms may be MacKay way of reinforcing such a threat.

There is, of course, the Afghan Detainee Transfer document scandal which will, despite their greatest efforts, come to light some day - that could be a source of contention between the two.

Keep in mind that, although MacKay resigning may be good for Canada and all Canadians, it is not good for Harper retaining power.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog comments