24 November, 2010

- Harper Muzzling Candidates - So It Is Right, So It Shall Be

Submitted: 7:50am, 24 Nov.'10

Fantino no-show at yet another live debate, Dan Robson, Toronto Star, Nov 23 2010

Candidates Running Around Expressing Their Views Scares Harper, and Rightly So. You simply can't have a bunch of true Con's revealing to voters their true grit.

It is interesting that Harper and the Con's would choose a star candidate in the riding and then muzzle him during the campaign.

Just exactly what is it about the Con candidate that they are afraid people will see before the vote.

Perhaps the Con's are afraid that Fantino will voice an opinion,take a stance or in some other way show people what he is made of and what he stands for.

Every person in the riding ought to take note of this strategy, it's very revealing.

Muzzling Con candidates during general elections, and MP's after, is a standard Harper tactic and one that has been rigidly and for good reason.

Also, I don't recall hearing anything about Fantino that made me think he would make a good representative in Parliament - and memories is the only thing the voters will have to judge.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html