20 November, 2010

- Harper and the Con's Dictato-Meter? - Rock On Atwood!

Posted: wlloydm 10:02 AM on November 20, 2010

Atwood launches assault on gov’t with razor-sharp wit
By Hanneke Brooymans, edmontonjournal.com November 20, 2010

"Margaret Atwood thinks Canada needs to set up a dictat-o-meter. Similar to the famous clock that counted down the seconds to nuclear Armageddon, this clock would grade how close Canada creeps toward a dictatorship, said the famous Canadian author Friday"

. . .

While Atwood delivered her dictat-o-meter suggestion with humour, it was only after she warned: “The tools for repression and control are multiplying very quickly. Our government: What happened to ‘open and accountable?’ … What happened to democracy?”

'dictat-o-meter' (is it 'meter' or 'metre'), I wish I had thought of that. But then Margaret Atwood sees a lot of things to a depth of insight and understanding the rest of us simply don't.

Margaret, when you're right, you're right (morally that is).

It's time that the 66% of Canadians that do not want Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party ruining this great country of ours any longer to stand up and be counted.

If I recall, someone, whose initials are SH (Stephen Harper not Severely Hypocritical - I know, same thing), once said:

The media in Democracies should: "shine a light into dark corners" of government and "assist the process of holding governments accountable”.

I would recommend Margaret for the SH Award for Media Excellence in light shining.

If anyone has any trouble with the extent of the Harper-Hypocrisy they need only refer to the Senate vote this week to "interfere with the democratic will of the elected House” by defeating Bill C-311, the Climate Change Accountability Act, and without shining their light on the issue - which is precisely their raison d'être, which had been duly passed by a majority our elected representatives in Parliament.

As Harper said before being election in '06:

“I hope that better judgment will prevail and the unelected Senate will play the role that historically it has played, which has been a useful technical role but will not try and interfere with the democratic will of the elected House.”
(see: Tory senators kill climate bill passed by House,Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail Update, November 17, 2010

We can only hope that " better judgment will prevail" and Harper and the Con's get the boot and sooner, rather than later.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html