03 November, 2010

- Harper's 'Steady as She Goes', Flaherty's 'We can see the harbour lights' - They're Boguing

Posted: 12:17 PM on November 3, 2010
Tory deficit targets are too optimistic, budget officer says
Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Nov. 02, 2010

In whom should we trust, Kevin Page or Stephen Harper and the Conservative

Well, if it wasn't for the fact that Harper, Flaherty and the Con's:

- have been wrong and outright misrepresented the economy pretty much right from the start of their rule.

- denied the Recession up until the last part of the '08 election when they were forced to admit it, then had the unmitigated gall to say that their economic policies before then made the impact less, like reducing the GST by 2 points, taking $12 billion/year out of the Federal coffers.

- economic update a month or so later, was not founded in sound fiscal policy to aimed at protecting Canadians, their finances and their jobs, but consisting of an outrageous and opportunistic, vicious partizan attack on the Opposition Parties with no consideration for the economic wellbeing of Canadians.

- spending $16 b on 65 F-35's and $10's of b's on prisons, as well as other wild, insane spending.

- eliminating $6 b a year from the Federal coffers by reducing fiscal responsibilities of large and prosperous corporations, exactly at the wrong time

- only successful fiscal policies they can point to had been brought in by the Liberal gov't.

- prediction that the deficit will be eliminated by '15 - '16, being predicated on Harper and the Con's continuing to run the country, of course.

On the other hand, by releasing a report that through cold hard application of rationality exposes Harper and the Con claims for their true implications - partizan bogue - Page runs the risk of incurring the viscous, personal and professional attacks and reprisals for which Harper and the Con's have become quite acclaimed.

Weighing both sides, I put my trust in Kevin Page.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html