22 November, 2010

- Harper and the Con's - Therein Lies for Truth

Posted: 10:29 AM on November 22, 2010
Cost of long-gun registry a fraction of what Tories claim, report shows, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Nov. 22, 2010

“The government held out a variety of figures in the $70-million, $80-million, I heard $100-million range when, clearly, they had a report that said it was nothing like that,” said Mark Holland, the Liberal public safety critic.

“They buried this so we didn’t have it for the debate,” he said. “They were trying to get the House to vote with blindfolds on.”

So, what else is new.

With Harper and the Con's, who in Canada is really surprised in the least.

In fact the deception, obscuration, obfuscation, obstruction, hypocrisy are so bad with Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party that Canadians can not take Harper and his Con's at their words for anything.

The only thing we can be confident of is when Harper or any of the Con's assert something, we need look somewhere else for the truth.

The fundamental problem is:

Harper and the Con's are supported by a core of die-hard right wing, extremist supporters (33% - under review for downward adjustment) epi-centred in Alberta that provide the funds and support that keep him in power.

As long as the Harper policies, and his misleading Canadians, do not consolidate the opposition then Harper can, and continues to, mislead - 'Canadians be dam[redacted]d'.

Unless all Canadians are willing to stand up, be counted, and in unison say "I want my Canada back" Harper will continue to mislead and transform Canada into something Canadians just don't want.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html