04 November, 2010

- Harper Debt for Canada's Conversion to Con'ism - $200 Billion and Counting

Posted: 12:23 PM on November 4, 2010 Globe and Mai
Tories won’t share cost-cutting plan, budget watchdog complains, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Nov. 03, 2010

"A spokesman for Mr. Flaherty, Chisholm Pothier, said the government stands by its projections. 'On savings, we’re confident we’re on track to meet the objectives we’ve laid out,' he said."

. . .

"Liberal finance critic Scott Brison said he trusts the Parliamentary Budget Officer’s projections over what the Finance Minister says. 'We've learned not to take Flaherty's numbers seriously,' he said." (IBID)

Don't trust Harper and the Con's???

You've got that right (morally, of course) Scott.

Who in Canada take what Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party say at 'farce value'.

Except, the die-hard, right-wing extremists (representing 33%) epi-centred in Alberta who support Harper and the Con's pretty much no matter what, provide Harper stay on ideological track. They support Harper not because what he says is right (morally) and in the best interests of all Canadians but because it's Right (ideologically) and in their, very narrow, best interests and the best interests of Con'isms.

“On savings, we’re confident we’re on track to meet the objectives we’ve laid out,” (IBID)

You can betcha it is no accident that Harper, Flaherty, Day and the Con's do not reveal the details on its planned operating budget freeze - if they did, we might learn what their 'objectives' really are.

Canada's debt increasing by $200 billion from 2007 - '08 to '15 - '16, is assuming Canada stays on its current course - you know, 'steady as she goes', without the opposition 'seizing the wheel'.

It represents a 50% increase in our debt, in 5 short years, with Harper and Flaherty at the helm.

Keep in mind that the revenues lost by the reduction in GST ($12b/yr) and the corporate tax reduction ($6b/yr) as well as the subsidies to the oil sands corp's ($1.4b) will make up approx half of this debt increase ($12+$6+$1.4=$19.4 X 5 yrs = $100b) and when you consider financing costs it's probably more like 2/3rds - thanks Steve, thanks Jim, thanks Stockwell.

It is not clear that this projected increase includes the $10's b's in increased prison facilities (oh, my mistake, it's the Provinces that must pay - that makes me feel a lot better) or the $16b and counting for the F-35's, etc..

So, it's the Con policies, not the stimulus spending, that will cause this catastrophic mushrooming of debt with Harper and the Con's at the helm.

And, this debt will have been incurred for no other reason than Harper and the Con's efforts to buy their way into power and maintain it so they may tear Canada asunder and drag us to the extreme right.

Our children and our children's children will be paying this 'Conversion to Con'ism' debt for generations.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html