12 December, 2009

- Harper, 'Thanks For the Memories' - continued

Tories fire session-ending shot at Liberals, Gloria Galloway,Dec. 11, 2009
Tab 29

Thanks Harper, Thanks MacKay, Thanks O'Connor, Thanks Baird, Thanks Prentice, Thanks Van Loan, Thanks Nicholson, Thanks Toews - nice work guys.

Harper, Baird, Cannon fail to point out that the Liberal government had obtained Approved Destination Status in Jan.'05. Harper's 'in-your-face' 'Insult Diplomacy' delayed implementation of the Approved Destination Status by China for 4 years and compelled its President to publicly, while in the International spotlight, rebuke Harper - Bravo!
See: David Emerson on the Industry Canada Website, dated 21 Jan.'05, where he announced "Canada Granted Approved Destination Status by Chinese Government" (ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ic1.nsf/eng/02331.html)

And Canada may take prominence on the Global Scene in the not too distant future, if the International Criminal Court, in The Hague, decides to investigate Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the Con government's transferring Afghan prisoners to the Afghan authorities in 2006. Thanks MacKay, Thanks O'Connor. Here! Here!

The bank of Canada is warning all Canadians about the amount of debt and the difficulties when it raises interest rates. What is going to happen to the Federal Government Finances, given the enormous debt and deficits brought in by Harper and Flaherty. Thanks Harper, Thanks Flaherty. Can't Wait!

What about the Harper make-over of Canada's International image - "Corrupt Petro-State" "Dirty Old Man" award - Nice - Thanks Harper, Thanks Baird, Thanks Prentice. Nice!

The attack on Colvin's credibility is, of course, outrageous. Thanks Harper, Thanks Harper, Thanks MacKay, Thanks Baird, Thanks Hawn. So, is the 10%-er slandering Irwin Cotler, Ignatieff and the Liberal Party. Thanks Toews. Clever!

Harper and the Con's "Tough on Crime" is no more than an emotional appeal to the Con's right wing voter base. Harper's approach is deliberately devoid of logic, rationality and fact based policy development. Harper and the Con's have nothing to support their position. In fact, all the evidence points to the exact opposite. This is illustrated by the Report released by Graham Stewart, Prof Michael Jackson, et al, in late September, "A Flawed Compass". The response by the Con’s: “The professor has a different philosophy than us,” Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan (to CBC). Thanks Van Loan, Thanks Nicholson. Deep!

Although I must say that Harper's vision of the nation of Canada as a bankrupt, third-world, very loose collection of 'autonomous states' fighting amongst each other and paying little more than lip service to Canada as federation, … oh, did I mention 'tough on crime', explains Harper's attitude of do nothing about Global Warming and our children be damned - that is, why bother, why go to the effort and expense. God Save Canada!

The Harper, and the Con’s generally, style politics is of distortion, cover-up, duplicity, deception, obscuration and obfuscation, suppression of truth and, slandering, mud slinging and character assassination in lieu of serious and sober response to important issues.

Why, you ask. If Canadians were told the truth by Harper, Flaherty, Baird, Prentice, Van Loan and the Con's I would be very surprised if they still though that Canada was on the right track.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html