08 December, 2009

- Global Warming - If There Is More Than a Mere Possibility We Must Act Now

Travers: O Canada, the world's 'dirty old man', A privileged generation chose to roll the dice on its children's future, James Travers National Affairs Columnist, Dec 8 2009

If there is anything more than a mere possibility of suffering the predicted catastrophic consequences of heretofore never seen proportions, both in terms of human suffering and in terms of economic loss,
of the effects of Global Warming,

Then, we, each and every person in Canada, both individually and as a nation, must stand up to Harper, Baird, Prentice and anyone who supports the them, tell them to crawl back to wherever the came from, roll up our sleeves and manifest the political and moral Will to take the action that so urgently must be taken and before it is too late.

The concept of Global Warming will only be a 100% certainty when it actually occurs and then like the Flat Earth Society, there will still be residual Con's denying it.

The standard of proof for action can not be 100% certainty. And Harper and the Con's insisting on this is merely obscuration, obstruction in order to avoid having to do anything about it. The reasons are purely political, as is everything Harper and the Con's do, and Canada and our children and our children's children, be damned.

Dumping Global Warming on our children and our children's children is economic suicide and societal genocide. The big problem, of course, and this is a huge difference that every Canadian ought to think about when listened to Harper Con's like this one, is:

It is not us, personally, that will suffer but someone else. Unfortunately, those someone else will be, as I said and it is worth repeats, our children and our children's children.

"Corrupt Petro-State" award or the "Dirty Old Man" award - Nice - Thanks Harper, Thanks Baird, Thanks Prentice.


I can only hope that in 50 years there will be a Canada as we know it and when they look back, they don't simply blame all of us, as a whole, for the damage done by Global Warming, but put the blame where it ought to lie - with Harper, Baird, Prentice all the Con's and all those Canadians that support Harper and the Con's. Perhaps all these articles and posting will still be circulating on the Internet so that they can see for themselves just exactly who it was that doomed them and for their own selfish reasons.

Global Warming - Nice legacy - Thanks Harper, Thanks Baird, Thanks Prentice (whose lack of visibility is so stark, and shocking given the current events, I had to look up who the current Minister of Environment was).

Of course, Canada's problem here, other than Harper general obstructionist, right wing extremist, approach, is Harper declaring that Canada's efforts in protecting out children's heritage is tied to the Americans.

Although I must say that Harper's vision of the nation of Canada as a bankrupt, third-world, very loose collection of 'autonomous states' fighting amongst each other and paying little more than lip service to Canada as federation, … oh, did I mention 'tough on crime', explains Harper's attitude of do nothing about Global Warming and our children be damned - that is, why bother, why go to the effort and expense.