27 December, 2009

- Harper - 'For whom the Gavel Falls'

Spector Visions, Saturday, December 26, 2009 8:45 AM, The secret(s) of Stephen Harper’s success, Norman Spector, submitted, 12/27/2009 12:30:37 PM, Tab 29

"Mr. Harper is refusing to call a public inquiry into the detainees issue because, though it is the right thing to do, it carries a high risk of alienating his political base — which strongly supports the Canadian military. "

Harper won't call for an inquiry because he knows it is not the military that have to worry. It is Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, and all the Con's that have to worry.

Martin "did the right thing", the proper thing, the only thing, if you want to be a true leader of this great country of ours, stood up and took responsibility.

Norman you may like Harper, but Harper has no class and no sense of decency. He has the political instincts of Attila the Hun, without a stateman's bone in his body.

Harper's only interested is power, grabbing it and holding onto it, Canada be damned. This may have worked in the Dark Ages, but for a complex, modern, economy based democracy it will prove Canada's undoing - which is, as you know, one of his, and his political base's , manifest objectives.

It will be an incredible catastrophe to Canada and our reputation on the International level, if the Afghan Detainee transfer scandal went to the International Criminal Courts in the Hague.

Harper can't Prorogue the Hague. Harper - 'For whom the Gavel Falls' - will have to answer.

I would be very surprised if Canadians, to a person, would not stand up and support our men and women in uniform, if the truth were to be revealed.

However, it would be outrageous if Canadians would have to wait for action outside Canada ,on the International level, to learn the truth.
It seems to me that anyone who strongly supports the military would demand an Inquiry in order to place the blame where it ought to lie.

The only people that don't want an Inquiry are those that strongly support Harper and the Con's.

Lloyd Macilquham cicblog.com/comments.html