07 December, 2009

- And Flaherty pushes bigger global role - God Save Canada!

Flaherty pushes bigger global role, Kevin Carmichael, Dec. 07, 2009
Tab 2

Harper, Flaherty, MacKay, Baird and all the Con's have already given Canada quite a reputation on the International stage, a 'bigger' negative, aggressionist and obstructionist role globally.

One need only read the current headlines in the Global media regarding Harper's obstructionist "Take No Action" stance on Global Warming and that the Tar Sands are quickly becoming the symbol of "Dirty Canada". Oh, sorry, he is following Obama. Well, Harper, take a look at what Obama, the US and other country in the World, that take their moral and legal obligations seriously, have to say about your position and the Tar Sands.

One need only look at Harper's 'in-your-face' 'Insult Diplomacy' that delayed implementation of the Approved Destination Status by China for 4 years and compelled its President to publicly, while in the International spotlight, rebuke Harper - thanks, Harper.

And Canada may take prominence on the Global Scene in the not too distant future, if the International Criminal Court, in The Hague, decides to investigate Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the Con government's transferring Afghan prisoners to the Afghan authorities in 2006.

Canadians put Harper in the position to do this, some might say with predictable results, and Canadians allowed Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the Con's to respond to legitimate and important questions by the Opposition in 2006 with in-your-face attitude, insults and viscous personal attacks, rather than take appropriate steps to ensure there is no question of violating International Human Rights and War Crime Laws, give real and pertinent answers. So, if our previous stellar International reputation is tarnished we only have ourselves to blame, or at least those who support Harper and his gang of Con's.

And Flaherty wants to take a bigger global role - God save Canada!

If Harper and the other Con's really were concerned about Canada's image and role Globally, they would resign.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html