02 December, 2009

- Harper Put Our Men and Women in Uniform in Harm's Way

John Baird won't let truth blunt a good barb, Jane Taber, December 1, 2009
Tab 16

If I were one of our men and women in uniform I would be demanding an explanation from Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and all Con's and demanding a Public Inquiry to get at the truth.

Harper was the one who up'ed the action of our troops in Afghanistan to out and out combat when they took over in '06.

Harper had a pressing and urgent obligation to take every step to ensure it was done in a fashion that accorded to International Law. Turning a blind eye, willfully or negligently ignoring, is not only a violation of the sacred trust placed in him when Harper took the Oath of Office, it was foreseeable that it could place our troops in the the very tenuous position of allegations of violating serious International Laws.

People in Canada can understand with this out and out fighting in Afghanistan things were happening much, much faster and made it more difficult to get a complete handle on, and sympathize for our generals and troops.

But that was all the more reason that Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the other Con's ought to have looked into the matter thoroughly. Instead of address these real issues, and in a timely and effective fashion, as these issues were raised in Parliament they responded by insults, accusing anyone who sought answers of being "Taliban sympathizers", obstructing, stone-walling, distorting, refusing to act and Canada be damned.

It is reprehensible that Harper and MacKay and the other Con's would accuse the Opposition of such.

When Harper accused Ignatieff, the Liberals, and anyone that would dare stand up to him on this, of "throwing the most serious of allegations at our men and women in uniform based on the most flimsy of evidence" everyone in Canada should take note, demand he retract it and demand that a Public Inquiry be held.

Given the slanderous and deceitful nature of the comment I am not all surprise that Harper would make it while outside Canada, instead of to Ignatieff's face.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html