31 December, 2009

- Norman Spector - When You're Right, You're Right

Spector Vision, Harper plays the prorogation card, Norman Spector, Thursday, December 31, 2009,
12/31/2009 12:50:04 PM, Tab 6

I concur.

Norman, when you're right, your right (I am referring to morally or course, since you're are always 'Right').

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- The Harper Dictatorship

Stephen Harper's not-so-benign dictatorship, Michael Behiels, Citizen Special, December 31, 2009

submitted 9:37am PST, 31 Dec.'09 - not posted
re-submitted 3:36pm PST, 31 Dec.'09

"If the Supreme Court fails to defend the rights of Parliament and Canadians . . ."

I am not sure what you are referring to. Please explain. Is there, or will there, or could there, be such a challenge. Also, keep in mind that the Con's actually campaigned (in at least '04) on putting the Supreme Court under the direct review of Parliament. You connect the dots.

". . . , then every Canadian has the responsibility to exercise his/her full sovereignty via the ballot box."

Your article is interesting and important. However, your final conclusion seems politically naive.

We cannot wait for the next election to display our displeasure at the ballot box. If for no other reason than:
- Harper and the Con's have developed the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western democracies in recent history that they have no hesitation in using no matter how reprehensible and morally and secularly dishonest, approaching Canadians solely on an emotional level, with a total disregard for the truth.

One can only wonder to what extent, given the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials.

- Harper and the Cons have approx 33 - 35% core supporters, people who will support Harper no matter what. They are not interested in logic, rationality, preservation of Canada's Democratic system (they appear to have as much contempt for Canada's democratic system, and Canada as a nation, as Harper and his Con's). Further, Harper, through his propaganda machine and grass roots connections is able to incite them to an irrational pitch. One need only observe what happened last December. I have studied many political systems throughout the world, especially the establishment, and overthrow, of oppressive, totalitarian and dictatorially regimes. One thing I have observed is that it only takes 10 - 15% of the population who are so motivated to overthrough the existing political system and replace it (if you have any contrary info please let me know). Never in Canada you say - I pray to God not.

It seems to me that Canadian's must be made aware of the overall damaging effect that Harper and the Con's policies will have in the long run to Canada not only our economy, but to the country as a nation and our social fabric. It is our children and our children's children that will be required shoulder this withering burdened.

The Liberal Party, or other the opposition Parties, will not be able to do this by themself. It is something that will have to result from a general awareness, including the media both traditional and Web "[shining a] light into dark corners" of government and "assist the process of holding governments accountable” (to borrow a phrase from Harper).

This, of course, is harder than it sounds given Harper propaganda machine and the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials.

I think that the way to do this is by having everyone, to a person, in Canada who feels strongly enough to stand up and be counted (I am sure I don't need a reference) do so, be encouraged to do it and be provided with the necessary information to assist. Everyone who can, including the media, who is at all concerned ought to be doing this - Canada's future and the future of our children and our children's children are at stake.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

29 December, 2009

- What a 'Right-Wash' - Preston Manning, Honesty is the best policy

Preston Manning, Honesty is the best policy
Tab 6, 12/29/2009 1:42:45 PM

"Preston Manning is president and CEO of the Manning Centre for Building Democracy"

Oh! and here I though it was the "Preston Manning" that is the right wing extremist that started, and was leader of, the Reform Party, mentor to Stephen Harper, co-author of numerous right wing papers along with Mike Harris, extreme right wing conservative who, along with Flaherty, Baird, Clement, Van Loan, destroyed Ontario both on a social and on an economic level.

If it were it would at least explain the extreme bias and distortion of Harper and 'ignorance' of the damage he has done to Canada, our reputation and trade Internationally.

One need only look at Harper's 'in-your-face' 'Insult Diplomacy' that delayed implementation of the Approved Destination Status by China for 4 years and compelled its President to publicly, while in the International spotlight, rebuke Harper.

Manning fails to point out that the Liberal government had obtained Approved Destination Status in Jan.'05 and it was Harper himself with his in-your-face, 'Insult Diplomacy' that caused the Chinese to drop it.(see: David Emerson on the Industry Canada Website, dated 21 Jan.'05, where he announced "Canada Granted Approved Destination Status by Chinese Government" (ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ic1.nsf/eng/02331.html)

And Canada may take prominence on the Global Scene in the not too distant future, if the International Criminal Court, in The Hague, decides to investigate Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the Con government's transferring Afghan prisoners to the Afghan authorities in 2006.

One can only wonder why Preston Manning would want to have us overlook his true background, but use a title like " Manning Centre for Building Democracy".

There is no Democracy in what Harper and the Con's are doing, right down to ignoring and his contempt for Parliament and Canadian political system.

Harper doesn't have an honest bone in his body, where he developed that trait, you tell me.

I guess what Manning meant to say is 'Laundering is the Best Policy'.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

27 December, 2009

- Harper - 'For whom the Gavel Falls'

Spector Visions, Saturday, December 26, 2009 8:45 AM, The secret(s) of Stephen Harper’s success, Norman Spector, submitted, 12/27/2009 12:30:37 PM, Tab 29

"Mr. Harper is refusing to call a public inquiry into the detainees issue because, though it is the right thing to do, it carries a high risk of alienating his political base — which strongly supports the Canadian military. "

Harper won't call for an inquiry because he knows it is not the military that have to worry. It is Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, and all the Con's that have to worry.

Martin "did the right thing", the proper thing, the only thing, if you want to be a true leader of this great country of ours, stood up and took responsibility.

Norman you may like Harper, but Harper has no class and no sense of decency. He has the political instincts of Attila the Hun, without a stateman's bone in his body.

Harper's only interested is power, grabbing it and holding onto it, Canada be damned. This may have worked in the Dark Ages, but for a complex, modern, economy based democracy it will prove Canada's undoing - which is, as you know, one of his, and his political base's , manifest objectives.

It will be an incredible catastrophe to Canada and our reputation on the International level, if the Afghan Detainee transfer scandal went to the International Criminal Courts in the Hague.

Harper can't Prorogue the Hague. Harper - 'For whom the Gavel Falls' - will have to answer.

I would be very surprised if Canadians, to a person, would not stand up and support our men and women in uniform, if the truth were to be revealed.

However, it would be outrageous if Canadians would have to wait for action outside Canada ,on the International level, to learn the truth.
It seems to me that anyone who strongly supports the military would demand an Inquiry in order to place the blame where it ought to lie.

The only people that don't want an Inquiry are those that strongly support Harper and the Con's.

Lloyd Macilquham cicblog.com/comments.html

17 December, 2009

- Canada's Inaction to Global Warming - The Devil Made Us Do It

So much Bunkam - So little time - continued - see below.

- Canada's Defense to the 'power of ten' law suits - "the devil made them do it"

The silent majority can no longer be silent, the Pantzopoulos poll is a dire demonstration of this.

For all those out there that do not support Harper, Baird, Prentice and all the Con's stance on Global Warming, my suggestion is to make your opposition as public as possible.

Then, perhaps, when the Third World come 'knocking' for retribution, and they will come 'knocking', our children and our children's children can beseech some kind of exclusion.

I agree that one person can't do much, except, passionately advocate that everyone get together and do all they can. And we must not allow Harper, Baird, Prentice and all the Con's to define "urgency" as "panic","passionate advocacy" as 'irrational'.

"The devil made them do it" defence may even be a defence at the 'Power of Ten Law Suits' - i.e. multi-trillion (or whatever comes after that) dollar law suits at the International Courts

- the 'power of 10' referring to the amounts awarded at the International Courts (i.e they will be expressed in "ten to the power of . . . ") -

when the Third World Countries sue our descendent's for the damage inflicted by our current actions and inactions on Global Warming - using, perhaps, the precedents established by the present era Cigarette law suites (see my previous posting - above). I would think that a precondition to the applicability of such a defence would be to what extent their (our children and our children's children) forefathers (us), on an individual bases stood up and fought.

Posting on the Internet may be a good way to do it, since in 50 years, the 'Web Archaeologists" will be able to "drill down" (to borough a military phrase) to the 2009 level and expose all.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- So much Bunkam from Harper - So little time for the World.

Ottawa Notebook, 'The warm front has passed' on climate change, Jane Taber, 17 Dec.'09
Tab 12, 13, 17

Dear Lady Jane,

So much Bunkam from Harper and Everyone that Supports Him - So little time for the World.

If Dimitri Pantzopoulos (former Conservative Party pollster) does not release the data from his poll how can any one say that "his research is solid".

I can see no reasons to throw out 200 years of development of the scientific principles of "transparency" and "skepticism" (i.e. make the data available to all so that it may be tested by his peers, this, of course, refers to all in the scientific community and not the Con Party) simply because we are dealing with probably the single most important issue, other than nuclear holocaust, the mankind has every faced as a species.

I realize that a reporter can not be expected to be well versed in transparency and objectivity, however, that is no excuse for out and out bias.

How do we know if this is just another application of the legendary Harper propaganda machine.

“My takes on the numbers is that attitudes to the environment are unlikely to rebound to previous levels even in the face of an improving economy. . ."
This is obviously subjective and not objective and clearly indicates a political statement - perhaps even an application of the basic Harper and the Con doctrine, so adeptly expressed by Tom Flanagan, 'it doesn't have to be true, it just has to be plausible' [sic].

To say that numbers will not rebound is simply another way of denying Global Warming. Clearly as the effects of Global Warming because more and more manifest, the attitude to Global Warming will rebound.

This, course, is at the heart of the problem. When this happens it will be too late by far to do anything.

The actions of the Third World Countries at Copenhagen should be a wake-up call to everyone, especially in Canada.

When their countries are under ocean water, have no potable water, are experience systemic drought and crop failure, blight, super-storms, Tsunami's, hurricanes of Biblical proportions, they will turn their attention to Canada and see that we still have water, still have crops, have the resources to endure all these things and, of course, still releasing huge amounts of global warming gasses.

Does anyone really think they will say, "Oh, but Canada's inaction was justified because it only accounts for only 2% of global warming gasses. Not likely. More likely they will demand retribution.

In a past era it would very likely lead to 'the GWW' (Global Warming Wars). However, in this modern era, one need only look at what has happened to the cigarette companies in Canada and the United State - i.e. multi-trillion (or whatever comes after that) dollar law suites at the International Courts - the 'power of 10 law suites' i.e. the amounts awarded will be expressed in 10 to the power of whatever (of course, I could be mistaken about the GWW's). The Harper position to Global Warming and their so called 'Reports' and polls are so analogous to what the cigarette companies did for so many years, its scary, or it should be scary.

This will, in and of itself, of course, cripple our children and our children's children economy and cast their futures into a new Dark Age. And who will we have to thank - Harper, Baird, Prentice, all the Con's and everyone that supports them.

Keep in mind that nature takes care of its own. Global Warming on the evolutionary scene is no more than the 'smoking gun' of mankind's extinction. The inaction and total selfishness of people like Harper is merely the manifestation of the 'evolutionary flaw' of the species. The irony is that Harper's right wing ideology of sink or swim, the strongest survive, is exactly the principle that will lead to the extinction of the human species, and his approach to Global Warming the method. God gave us brains equipped with a discerning rational faculty, let's pray we use it.

If there is a mere possibility of our actions resulting in the type of Universal Cataclysm indicated by Global Warming we must act now and in the extreme.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

posted 10:43m PST, 17 Dec.'09
World leaders push for climate deal, 17 Dec.'09
Tab 99, 101

16 December, 2009

- All those outraged by Harper's Actions Regarding the Afghan Detainee Scandal Raise Your Hand

Diplomat fires back over Afghan detainee torture, CTV.ca News Staff, Dec. 16 2009
Submitted to CTV, 2:42pm, 16 Dec.'09

All those outraged by the actions* of Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Baird, Hawn, and all the Con's, after learning about the Colvin Letter raise your hand . . .

Let's see: . . . one, two, three . . . 12,890,532 . . . 33,311,389 . . . oh come on Steve, don't be shy, you're going to have to raise your hand a bit higher . . . that's it.

There seems to be approximately 144 people in Canada who haven't put their hands up - I wonder what that could mean.

* the outrageous "actions" are referring to those of Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Baird, Hawn and all the Con's - putting our men and women in uniform in harm's way by potential exposure to possible war crimes allegations and prosecution at the International Criminal Court in the Hague and even with respect to domestic Canadian law, in regards to the transfer of Afghan detainees to the Afghan authorities; and, the ensuing cover-up and viscous character assassination of anyone who dares to stand up to them

For a summary of the Colvin letter: "Public inquiry only possible response to damning Colvin letter",
December 16, 2009, Liberal - News Room

Full text can be found at:

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Colvin disputes witnesses' detainee testimony, Dec. 16 2009
submitted 2:53, 16 Dec.'09; re-submitted at submitted to CBC at: 7:36 PST, 16 Dec.'09 (without 'full text can be found at CTV')

- Put rationality into the way our country is run - Give Harper, Flaherty and all the Con's the boot

A credible budget will have to include tax increases, C. Scott Clark and Peter DeVries
Tab 4

It is time that we put some rationality into the way the country is run and it certainly isn't with Harper at the helm.

20 Sep.'08 I posted:

The Harper government’s strategy from the time it took office was to slash taxes to the point that there is no appreciable surplus. This, obviously, was not an accident but a well thought out strategy. For one thing it was intended to make people ‘Happy with Harper’ by reducing taxes. For another thing, their obvious strategy is that any programs promised by the Liberal or other parties, would be attacked on the grounds that taxes would have to be increased to support it.

In actuality reducing taxes to the extreme is one of the objectives that the paper by Mike Harris and Preston Manning for the Fraser Institute just before Harper was elected and is part of a far reaching, well defined, Extreme Right Wing agenda. They recommend reduced government spending [to 30% of GDP, if I recall]) – which Harper does seem to have got to yet.

By slashing taxes to such an extent Harper has weakened Canada’s ability to withstand hash economic times through social policies (enshrined in the Canadian way of life and distinguishes us from the Americans).

This of course will be very important in the next year or two.

Disjointed ‘micro-policies’ also weakens our ability to deal with large problems like the environment and the economy in a coherent, comprehensive and effective fashion. For Harper and the Con’s this is not a bad thing since they really don’t want to ‘deal with the environment’ but would rather push it off to the individual Provinces ‘À la Firewall’. They really don’t want comprehensive Federal social programs since this detracts from their Laissez-faire, sink or swin, approach to the economy (which, of sourse, one of the major factors defining them as extremist, right wing) which again can be seen in Harper’s Firewall Letter.

Harper's reducing surpluses to zero is actually a result of his sink or swim approach to our economic activity. That is, people should not turn to the Federal government for help when they are thrown into dire need due to economic downturns, they should turn to themselves. This became very clear when Flaherty told the municipal leader to stop whining when The Federation of Canadian Municipalities released a study last November warning that much of the nation's municipal infrastructure is "on the brink of failure" and will cost $123 billion to upgrade. Flaherty responded "we're not in the pothole business in the government of Canada." (see: Toronto Star, "Cities told to stop `whining'", 22 Nov.'07).

. . .

Here is one of the Harper quotes – Scary Stuff! it is something that everyone should consider when choosing how to vote:

· Whether Canada ends up as one national government or two national governments or several national governments, or some other kind of arrangement is, quite frankly, secondary in my opinion… And whether Canada ends up with one national government or two governments or ten governments, the Canadian people will require less government no matter what the constitutional status or arrangement of any future country may be.
(Speech to the Colin Brown Memorial Dinner, National Citizens Coalition, 1994 )


10 December, 2009
- "Debt Men - and Women - Walking"

Of course, if you think the deficit is large now just wait until the interest rates are increased by 2 points.
Interest rates will increase. Most economists in other countries are already pointing to the economic tsunami that awaits us when this happens.

This is a serious concern, more immediate than Global Warming, more far reaching than Afghan transferees being tortured.

When you look at the huge deficit Harper, Flaherty and the Con's are racking up, and you look at the "do-nothing" approach to Global Warming - one can only wonder, just what does Harper and the Con's have against our children and our children's children anyway.

When the Federal Government finances start to collapse under the weight of the debt and when the personal and company bankruptcies start to exponentiate, what will Harper have to say then - "we saved the Canadian economy", "steady as she goes", "even hand on the keel", "let the market forces prevail", "minimize Federal Government interference", "it's the Laissez faire  way or the highway".


- 17 Oct.'09, "Best to give Harper the boot now"

Harper's strategy for the economy is to do nothing and it will grow itself out of deficit, in 5 to 6 years - wow, what a great excuse to keep Harper in power. This is like someone max'g his credit cards out on the basis that sometime in the future he will get a higher paying job and pay them off.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

13 December, 2009

- Canada's Top 10 New Years Resolutions

Submitted 12:15am,PST 13 Dec.'09 - not posted
Submitted 7:45am,PST 14 Dec.'09


Summing up the spin on that documents release, Janyce McGregor , 11 Dec.'09
Tab 18

Canada's Top 10 New Years Resolutions.

No. 10: Compel Harper and his gang to produce the Afghan Detainee Transferee documents, in toto

No. 9: Bring an motion or private member's Bill to hold a Public Inquiry into the Afghan Detainee Transfer scandal and ensuing cover-up by Harper and his gang

No. 8: Put Harper, MacKay et al under House arrest - or did they get rid of that already??? - For contempt of Parliament for not hand over the Afghan Detainee Transferee documents and in toto (i.e. all of them and un-redacted)

No7: Give Day the boot

No. 6: Give Toews the boot

No.5: Give Van Loan the boot

No.4: Give Baird the boot

No.3: Give MacKay the boot

No. 2: Give Harper the Boot

and the Number one Canada's New years Resolution . . .

If you care about Canada
mouse here

If you are one of the 33% diehard supporters of Harper and the Con's or the other 3-4 % that support them,
mouseover here

Maybe Parliament could introduce a motion to change "Stockwell Day's" name to "Doris Day".
What, already been suggested? by Rick Mercer? Brilliant!
Ahhh ... yes, I see, through the miracle of Internet I can go back in history and get:

"Rick Mercer gets minimum signatures for referendum to have Stockwell Day change name to Doris!"

. . .

what's this ... coming up on my Google search of "Stockwell Day " +"Doris Day" ...

"During the 2000 election campaign Day made the following comments and voiced the following beliefs:

- Day espoused his belief that evolution doesn't exist and that people do really come from Adam and Eve.

- Day believed that an "Asian Invasion" was taking place at Canadian universities and that we shouldn't allow asians to study in Canada.

- He made a variety of other quotes displaying his anti-immigration beliefs, anti-native rights, anti-women's rights and anti-Quebec."
"The Prank That Destroyed Stockwell Day, By Charles Moffat")

Am I ready this right! Did Day actually say these things?

Perhaps the media could through some light in this dark place.

And Day is running this country as International Trade Minister??? What would aliens say if they came and hovered over Ottawa.

All I can say is, God save Canada! Wait, God helps those that help themselves. We can not rely on divine intervention.

We must take the bull - graven image for all you traditionalists - by the horns, give Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Baird, Prentice, Van Loan, Nicholson, Toews, . . . oh, and did I mention Day, the boot.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- Harper, MacKay - How do you get a seat as an onlooker at the International Criminal Court at the Hague. Do they sell tickets? How far in advance do you have to book?

See: Tories to ignore vote on releasing prisoner reports, CTV News, 11 Dec.'09 http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20091211/afghanistan_motion_091211/20091211?hub=QPeriod#commentSection

"Defence Minister Peter MacKay has argued that releasing the records 'could be helpful to the enemy' and jeopardize Canadian troops."
Oh, is Pater MacKay still Minister of Defence?

Great, that means that when Canada withdraws its troops form Afghanistan in (July?) 2011, that Parliament can expect to get the documents. It's quite a while away from now, but might be the simplest solution, going to court would take longer.

Harper, MacKay's timeline for handing over these documents is more like "when hell freezes over".

Why, you ask. Especially when their reason is the safety of the troops.

"An interesting remark by MacKay, when he 'testified' last week at the Committee, may shed some light on this dark corner - "I am proud to have associated myself with the military and the diplomats" [sic]. Sounds like a Freudian slip to me.

And compare it to what Gar Pardy, retired Canadian diplomat, had to say the other day "Harper has been going around the world lately wrapping himself in the Canadian flag, but has achieving only to sully it".

Clearly a strategy of Harper and MacKay is to identify themselves with the military. But, why. For one, they may be hoping it will save their bacon - keep in mind potential criminal investigations by the International Criminal Courts, not to mention for Canadian criminal laws. Other motives - you tell me."

see below: cicblog.com/comments.html
- Peter MacKay word unreliable - a euphemism for liar - you judge
- Harper, MacKay show the utmost contempt for Parliament.

Well, let me see if I have the logic.

MacKay has been making great efforts to identify himself with Canada's military. Hence, he is 'one of our proud men and women in uniform'. And, withholding the documents may save his bacon. Therefore, dsiclosing the documents after Canada's troops withdraw, will still jeopardize Canadian troops - it may only be a handful of troops and they may all members of the Harper Cabinet, but hey, works for me.

Ditto for Harper.

Releasing the documents 'could be helpful to the enemy'.

This hardly requires comment.

The logic jumps out at you when you keep in mind that for Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Baird, Prentice, Van Loan, Nicholson, Toews, . . . oh, and did I mention Day, the enemy is the Official Opposition, Ignatieff, the Liberal Party; Layton and the NDP; and, yes, although Harper has disenfranchised all those voted Block, Gilles Duceppe and the Block; and, in a word, anyone else who dares to stand up to them.

Could these documents be helpful to this 'enemy' - you betcha!

To all those that say Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, or whoever else it is at the time, when they say they will respect Parliament and withdraw Canadian troops from Afghanistan in 2011 - you are, obviously, one of those 33% diehard supporters of Harper and the Con's or one of the additional 3-4% that are supporting Harper and the Con's. Canada, all Canadians as nation, our children and our children's children owes you all a great debt of gratitude.

How do you get a seat as an onlooker at the Int'l Criminal Court. Do they sell tickets? Do you to book in advance? Are there Scalpers? Can you apply to be on the prosecution team? Pro Bono? MacKay, you were Foreign Affairs Minister, would you check that out for me. Thanks.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Submitted, 9:47am, PST, 13 Dec.09,
Summing up the spin on that documents release, Janyce McGregor , 11 Dec.'09
Tab 13

not posted

re-submitted, 10:34pm PST (1:34 EST), 13 Dec.'09, (changing "h... freezes over" see above "hell ..." - with "... freezes over" and it was posted

Submitted: December 13, 2009 @ 10:10 am PST
Parliament in showdown with Harper government over Afghan documents, 11 Dec. '09, Jennifer Ditchburn, THE CANADIAN PRESS

12 December, 2009

- Harper, 'Thanks For the Memories' - continued ...continued

At 10:26 am I posted my Comment. (see below)

At 10:33 am Harper-crites posted "Thanks Lloyd. I've added your blog to my bookmarks !!"

sometime after that my Comment was pulled down - vis.:

Moderator's Note: Lloyd Macilquham's comment was not consistent with our guidelines and has been removed.

(see Tab 28)

With anoher G&M Article, written by Jane Taber.
see below: - Dear Jane Taber (No. III) . . . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed

BeenThinkin​g posted "Lloyd MacIlquham - funny thing, just as a experiment I put thumbs up - didn't come up. A thumbs down came in it's place.

This is fishy. "

As I mentioned a few days ago with another of Jane Taber's articles I got over 220 Thumbs Down in about 20 minutes.

What happened to the Media shining light into the dark corners of the Government. The whole point of the exercise is to expose all the nasty little ugliness's that the government is hiding and expose them to the light for all to see. 

If you have no stomach for it, that is not the messenger's fault. That is the fault of the ones who hide the problem in the first place. I won't mention any names . . . ah ah aaaa ... Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Baird, Prentice, Van Loan, Nicholson, Toews and all the Con's ... chooo, sorry, sneezed .

I used to have respect for the Globe and Mail.

When I was I kid in grade school I used to get up each morning, except Sunday, of course, around 4 - 5 am, and deliver the paper and was proud to be a G&M paperboy.

Later I used to read it faithfully every day.

My mother wrote many articles for the Globe and Mail over quite a few years and wrote with the utmost integrity. 

I can only say that the Globe and mail has changed much and for the worse. You be the judge.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- Dear Jane Taber (No. III) . . . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed

see below:

12/12/2009 11:52:32 AM
For all you 'Lame Sabers' out there.

If Gloria Galoway can write a political piece that actually is topical, informative and fairly even balanced, why can't Jane Taber.

. . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed again.

(See the G&M article "Tories fire session-ending shot at Liberals")

Actually, Lady Jane has come up with some fairly reasonable pieces in the past. That just begs the question more - Why did she publish this one.

Could it be, what I suggested: "anything to try to undermine confidence in the Liberals ...Perhaps Lady Jane sees the writing on the wall and is looking for some job security in the Senate"

You be the judge.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- Harper, 'Thanks For the Memories' - continued

Tories fire session-ending shot at Liberals, Gloria Galloway,Dec. 11, 2009
Tab 29

Thanks Harper, Thanks MacKay, Thanks O'Connor, Thanks Baird, Thanks Prentice, Thanks Van Loan, Thanks Nicholson, Thanks Toews - nice work guys.

Harper, Baird, Cannon fail to point out that the Liberal government had obtained Approved Destination Status in Jan.'05. Harper's 'in-your-face' 'Insult Diplomacy' delayed implementation of the Approved Destination Status by China for 4 years and compelled its President to publicly, while in the International spotlight, rebuke Harper - Bravo!
See: David Emerson on the Industry Canada Website, dated 21 Jan.'05, where he announced "Canada Granted Approved Destination Status by Chinese Government" (ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ic1.nsf/eng/02331.html)

And Canada may take prominence on the Global Scene in the not too distant future, if the International Criminal Court, in The Hague, decides to investigate Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the Con government's transferring Afghan prisoners to the Afghan authorities in 2006. Thanks MacKay, Thanks O'Connor. Here! Here!

The bank of Canada is warning all Canadians about the amount of debt and the difficulties when it raises interest rates. What is going to happen to the Federal Government Finances, given the enormous debt and deficits brought in by Harper and Flaherty. Thanks Harper, Thanks Flaherty. Can't Wait!

What about the Harper make-over of Canada's International image - "Corrupt Petro-State" "Dirty Old Man" award - Nice - Thanks Harper, Thanks Baird, Thanks Prentice. Nice!

The attack on Colvin's credibility is, of course, outrageous. Thanks Harper, Thanks Harper, Thanks MacKay, Thanks Baird, Thanks Hawn. So, is the 10%-er slandering Irwin Cotler, Ignatieff and the Liberal Party. Thanks Toews. Clever!

Harper and the Con's "Tough on Crime" is no more than an emotional appeal to the Con's right wing voter base. Harper's approach is deliberately devoid of logic, rationality and fact based policy development. Harper and the Con's have nothing to support their position. In fact, all the evidence points to the exact opposite. This is illustrated by the Report released by Graham Stewart, Prof Michael Jackson, et al, in late September, "A Flawed Compass". The response by the Con’s: “The professor has a different philosophy than us,” Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan (to CBC). Thanks Van Loan, Thanks Nicholson. Deep!

Although I must say that Harper's vision of the nation of Canada as a bankrupt, third-world, very loose collection of 'autonomous states' fighting amongst each other and paying little more than lip service to Canada as federation, … oh, did I mention 'tough on crime', explains Harper's attitude of do nothing about Global Warming and our children be damned - that is, why bother, why go to the effort and expense. God Save Canada!

The Harper, and the Con’s generally, style politics is of distortion, cover-up, duplicity, deception, obscuration and obfuscation, suppression of truth and, slandering, mud slinging and character assassination in lieu of serious and sober response to important issues.

Why, you ask. If Canadians were told the truth by Harper, Flaherty, Baird, Prentice, Van Loan and the Con's I would be very surprised if they still though that Canada was on the right track.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- Harper, 'Thanks for the Memories'

Tories fire session-ending shot at Liberals, Gloria Galloway,Dec. 11, 2009
Tab 28

Harper and the Con's have developed the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western democracies in
recent history that they have no hesitation in using no matter how reprehensible and morally and
secularly dishonest, approaching Canadians solely on an emotional level, with a total disregard for the truth.

One can only wonder to what extent, given the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials.

It's pathetic commentary on the Canadian Media when Canadians have to rely on the International Media to get a truth picture and perspective of the damage that Harper, MacKay and all the Con's are doing to not only our International image, but this great nation of ours.

The Harper, and the Con’s generally, style politics is of distortion, cover-up, duplicity, deception, obscuration and obfuscation, suppression of truth and, slandering, mud slinging and character assassination in lieu of serious and sober response to important issues.

Harper and the Con's attitude to Science and Scientific research are in the dank ages and Crime reminiscent of the irrationality surrounding witch-hunts and the Inquisition.

When you look at the huge deficit Harper is racking up, and you look at the "do-nothing" approach to Global Warming - one can only wonder, just what does Harper have against our children and our children's children anyway.

It is outrageous to think of how our forefathers and mothers spent their blood, sweat and tears to build our nation over many generations and how Harper and his position on Global Warming; his transferring Afghan detainees to Afghan authorities who then torture them; his mind boggling budget deficits, which Harper and the Con's are spending as if it were their own, are destroying in a few, not so short, years. God save Canada!"

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- Dear Jane Taber (No. II) . . . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed

Rumours of coup greatly exaggerated, Rae says, JANE TABER,
Dec. 12, 2009

Re - My post (at 9:20 am, below) discussing Jane Taber and my post "This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media"

Last time in about 20 minutes I got over 220 Thumbs Down.

This time I added:

"Oh, and did I mention, Jane Taber is incredibly biased towards the Con's, which explains this article - anything to try to undermine confidence in the Liberals

Perhaps Lady Jane sees the writing on the wall and is looking for some job security in the Senate."

This time in the first 30 minutes I have only 7 Thumbs Down.

Is it because it's 9:30 Saturday morning in the X'mas season and people have been partying all night. Who, knows.

I don't agree with very much Norman Spector has to say and I feel he is about as biased as you get. I must admit that I have posted some comments along those line in his Columns. Does Normal Spector get his friends to surreptitiously 'Dis' my with 'Thumbs down' votes. No, he posts a reply to my Comments for everyone to see where he stands on the issue. Of course, he may not have that many people he can codgle (?) into voting against someone without good reason.

I guess in this day of Internet, any Newspaper can easily afford to have any reporter write just about anything, no matter how trivial or nonsensical, and publish it online. Not to point any fingers
. . . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed again.

(500 characters left - some many characters and so little time)

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- Dear Jane Taber . . . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed

Rumours of coup greatly exaggerated, Rae says, JANE TABER,
Dec. 12, 2009

A few days ago I posted something to Jane Taber's article and entitled it

"This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media"

I wrote:

"One can only wonder to what extent, given the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials.

It's pathetic commentary on the Canadian Media when Canadians have to rely on the International Media to get a truth picture and perspective of the damage that Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Flaherty, Baird, and all the Con's are doing to not only our International image, but this great nation of ours."

It is outrageous to think of how our forefathers and mothers expended their blood, sweat and tears to build our nation over many generations and how Harper and his position on Global Warming, his mind boggling budget deficits, which Harper and the Con's are spending as if it were their own, are destroying in a few, not so short, years. God save Canada!"

While I was writing it I sneezed 'ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo'

Within 20 minutes I had received over 225 'Downs' and one Up - (Thanks Mom)

I wanted to see what was going on so I posted essentially the same thing again. In the next hour or so it had received 6 Down, (and 2 Up - Mom, you can't vote twice, even if you are in heaven). Then it was pulled down.

I speculated that it was not likely Liberals, NDP or Con's.

That doesn't leave much else.

The reason I am posting this

. . . ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo, sorry sneezed again.

You be the judge.

Oh, and did I mention, Jane Taber is incredibly biased towards the Con's, which explains this article - anything to try to undermine confidence in the Liberals

Perhaps Lady Jane sees the writing on the wall and is looking for some job security in the Senate.

I wonder if this will get pulled down. Let's see.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

11 December, 2009

- Harper, MacKay show the utmost contempt for Parliament.

MPs join forces to order release of Afghan records, Steven Chase and John Ibbitson, 11 Dec.'09
Tab 37

Harper, MacKay, Baird and all the Con's have shown, and are showing, the utmost contempt for Parliament.

Harper has been engaging in a concerted fight to completely sidestep Parliament. Some may argue the Opposition have allowed it. But, when you see the results of Ignatieff in the Summer standing up and saying "no more", you can not put the blame on him or the Liberals. It is all those who supported Harper, the Con's and still support them and their running this country, we can turn to to blame.

This is a classic battle between the Administrative Arm and the Democratic Arm of Canadian Government. This type of fight has, of course, occurred hroughout the history of civilization. When the administrative branch wins we call it 'dictatorship', 'totalitarianism', 'oligarchy', etc.

When the democratic arm wins we call it 'rule by the people, for the people'; 'rule by the will of the people'; 'freedom'; oh, and did I mention, 'Democracy'.

One indicator that betrays the intentions of those in the Administrative arm, is the extent to which they try to woo the military arm, the extent to which they try to associate themselves with the military, the extent to which they go around wrapping themselves in the flag and, of course the other side of the coin, the extent to which they accuse their 'enemy' of not supporting the military, attacking the military.

Another indicator is the fashion in which they approach their supporters, with emotionalism as opposed to rationalism. When their position of power is threatened they incite their diehard supporters to a frenzy. One must keep in mind that if only 10 - 15% of the population is animated to overthrow a political system, it's gone.

Never in Canada, you say. All I can say is, I hope to God, you're right and I'm wrong.

Perhaps the Opposition can bring a motion, private member's bill, establishing a Public Inquiry into the Afghan detainee transfer and cover-up. I would.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html


submitted 11:25am PST
Lives at risk if Afghan info release: Day, CBC News, December 11, 2009

- "Debt Men - and Women - Walking" - How is China's exports rising good news for Canada

Fresh data fuel hopes for global recovery, Martin Crutsinger, The Associated Press, Dec. 11, 2009
Tab 3

With interest rates about to jump in the US in January and in Canada a few months later. And with individuals' debt, company debts, all levels of Government debts at the highest level, by far.

The fact that retail sales has increased during what is traditionally the big retail season, compared to the worst X'mas season imaginable last year can hardly be conclusive evidence of a recovering economy either in the US or Canada.

Also the key here is that China's exports are increasing. How is that good news for Canada's economics.

Interest rates will increase. Most economists in other countries are already pointing to the economic tsunami that awaits us when this happens.

This is a serious concern, more immediate than Global Warming, more far reaching than Afghan transferees being tortured.

When you look at the huge deficit Harper, Flaherty and the Con's are racking up, and you look at the "do-nothing" approach to Global Warming - one can only wonder, just what does Harper and the Con's have against our children and our children's children anyway.
When the Federal Government finances start to collapse under the weight of the debt and when the personal and company bankruptcies start to exponentiate, what will Harper have to say then - "we saved the Canadian economy", "steady as she goes", "even hand on the keel", "let the market forces prevail", "minimize Federal Government interference", "it's the Laissez faire  way or the highway".

It will be interesting to see who Harper blames - I've noticed that Harper and his Con's always seem to have someone else to blame for their mistakes.

If Canadians were told the truth by Harper, Flaherty, Baird, Prentice, Van Loan and the Con's I would be very surprised if they still though that Canada was on the right track.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

10 December, 2009

- "Debt Men - and Women - Walking" - just what does Harper and the Con's have against our children and our children's children anyway

Submitted: 6:30pm PST, 10 Dec.'09
Bank of Canada warns of debt peril, December 10, 2009

Sounds like we're "Debt Men - and Women - Walking"

Harper, Flaherty, Baird, Van Loan, Prentice and all the Con's have been going around spending tens of millions of dollars to get the Canadian people to identify the stimulus spending with Harper and the Con's, while Canada racks up the largest deficit by far, ever, Canada be damned.

Of course, if you think the deficit is large now just wait until the interest rates are increased by 2 points.

Interest rates will increase. Most economists in other countries are already pointing to the economic tsunami that awaits us when this happens.

This is a serious concern, more immediate than Global Warming, more far reaching than Afghan transferees being tortured.

When you look at the huge deficit Harper, Flaherty and the Con's are racking up, and you look at the "do-nothing" approach to Global Warming - one can only wonder, just what does Harper and the Con's have against our children and our children's children anyway.

I hope Harper, Flaherty and the other Con's are still around so that we may "stick their noses in it" - figuratively, of course. Actually, I would prefer that they get the boot right now and we put someone in Office that will actually do something to save us.

Keep in mind that because of the good work of the previous Liberal government, the Federal Government finances were in very good shape and Canadian Banks even better. Harper and Flaherty have destroyed the Federal Finances and have run around the world taking credit for the strong position of our Banks.

When the Federal Government finances start to collapse under the weight of the debt and when the personal and company bankruptcies start to exponentiate, what will Harper have to say then - "we saved the Canadian economy", "steady as she goes", "even hand on the keel", "let the market forces prevail", "minimize Federal Government interference", "it's the Laissez faire  way or the highway".

It will be interesting to see who Harper blames - I've noticed that Harper and his Con's always seem to have someone else to blame for their mistakes.

Apparently many people are satisfied with the direction Canada is taking right now. The problem is that we are not being made aware of what lies ahead. It is the Federal government 's responsibility to be truthful with us and inform us, and in timely fashion, so that we, all as a nation, and individually, may properly prepare. Harper's approach is the exact opposite - hide information, distorting the truth, obstruct, attack the character of anyone who dares to stand up against them. Ignorance is bliss, but it is not forward looking.

It should be clear to all that interest rates can not stay this low for ever.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- Peter MacKay word unreliable - a euphemism for liar - you judge

Excerpt posted to: Ottawa Notebook, Torture weighs on Tories,
Jane Taber, December 10, 2009
Tab 7

Peter MacKay word unreliable - a euphemism for liar - you judge

Polls shows 61% of Canadians accept Mr. Colvin’s testimony over MacKay's, Harper, Hawn's refutation.

Surprise, Surprise, - not.

This is simply a manifestation of the 33%, or so, diehard supporters of Harper and the Con's, who, obviously, will support them, blindly and no matter what they say or do, to the bitter end. However, this is important to note and everyone in Canada should keep this in mind. One need only look at how Harper, Baird, Van Loan and all the Con's were able to rouse them with their call-to-arms a year ago.

My take on listening to people yesterday was that what Peter MacKay has to say is unreliable, whether that is a euphemism for liar, you judge.

I watched MacKay 'testify' at the Parliamentary Committee yesterday and the most striking thing to me was how closely it resembled the hallmarks of the guilty.

MacKay's viscous attack on Ujjal Dosanjh when he asked a question was totally predictable (see my posts yesterday) and typical of a person who is guilty and everyone knows he is guilty. In open court, very seldom do the guilty breakdown and admit their guilt, but to the jury watching their guilt becomes clear. Harper and MacKay don't want a public Inquiry, what could the reason possibly be.

Mr. Dosanjh accused Mr. MacKay of refusing to recognize that circumstantial evidence is enough, in international law, to stop a country from handing detainees to another, and accused him of thwarting the two ongoing investigations.

"There was substantial knowledge of torture in Afghan jails," Mr. Dosanjh said. "Every kid on the ground knew that. All the reports said that. Sir, you continued to transfer prisoners to torture in the name of Canada."

Mr. MacKay responded with controlled anger.

"I will respond to these outrageous allegations that I or any minister of the government would knowingly participate or collude in sending anyone off to torture. That is an outrageous, false and inflammatory accusation from somebody who has served in government and should know better." Pressure on MacKay cranks up after abuse confirmation, By STEPHEN MAHER Ottawa Bureau, 10 Dec. '09

Liberal defence critic Ujjal Dosanjh went after MacKay hard in the committee, saying "ignorance of facts is no defence and I ask you to step down and relieve yourself of responsibility."

Dosanjh said there was "lots of evidence that there has been substantial risk of torture."

MacKay called Dosanjh's attack an "outrageous, inflammatory, insulting allegation."


MacKay saying that he did not 'willfully', or 'turn an blind eye', allow Canadian troops to transfer Afghan detainees to Afghan authorities to be tortured, is an obviously tactic of the guilty. MacKay is a lawyer, not only that, he was a Crown Attorney (if I recall). He knows all these things and he ought to know that Canadians wouldn't get taken in. Why then, say it. Clearly for his 33% die-hard supporters. The threshold for transferring detainee to torture is far less than that.

The chances of MacKay not knowing this is remote. The chances of MacKay admitting this is remote.

"The jurisprudence from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and, most importantly, a recent decision from the International Criminal Court itself, has ruled that even if it is established that military and civilian commanders did not have actual knowledge, that is no defence to a charge of complicity in a war crime.
The standard that has been established is that persons in command must take all reasonable steps to acquire such knowledge and then to take all further necessary and reasonable steps to prevent the continuation of the war crime or to punish the perpetrators."
Errol Mendes "Ignorance is no defence when the subject is torture, Law puts onus on leaders to make every effort to learn about and prevent war crimes
Errol Mendes was a visiting professional at the International Criminal Court at The Hague this year. His book Peace and Justice at the International Criminal Court, A Court of Last Resort will be published early next year.
25 Nov.'09

Another interesting remark by MacKay - vis."I am proud to have associated myself with the military and the diplomats" [sic]. Sounds like a Freudian slip to me. And compare it to what Gar Pardy, retired Canadian diplomat, had to say the other day "Harper has been going around the world lately wrapping himself in the Canadian flag, but has achieving only to sully it". Clearly a strategy of Harper and MacKay is to identify themselves with the military. But, why. For one, they may be hoping it will save their bacon - keep in mind potential criminal investigations by the International Criminal Courts, not to mention for Canadian criminal laws. Other motives - you tell me.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Excerpts Also Submitted to:

Natynczyk in the dark on Afghan prisoner's history, Steven Chase and Campbell Clark, 10 Dec.'09Tab 9

Opposition demands MacKay resign over detainees, CTV.ca News Staff, 10 Dec.'09

submitted: 11:35am, PST, 11 Dec.'09
Most Canadians believe Afghan detainees tortured: poll, December 10, 2009

09 December, 2009

- Peter MacKay, Do The Honourable Thing - Come Clean and Resign

Natynczyk makes major reversal on detainee story, CTV.ca News Staff, Dec. 9 2009
submitted: 11:48 am, PST, to CTV

Harper and MacKay have a self-image of being warriors.

However, the hallmark of a warrior is honesty, integrity and honour.

MacKay the way of the warrior would be to stand in front of the Commons Committee today and do the honourable thing - "seppuku "the modern figurative meaning being "spill you guts". Take responsibility for your actions, as be a real warrior.

If anyone wants to see what a true warrior handles themselves take a look at what Gen. Walter Natynczyk did today. He stood up and explained for all Canadians to hear that he had said something that wasn't true yesterday - vis.: the Afghan passed to Afghan authorities and mistreated (e.g. torture) had not been detained and that he learned last night that that wasn't true.

Natynczyk did the honourable thing, given the context.

MacKay is obviously going to say that he was not aware of any Afghan detainees transferred to Afghan authorities and has said there was no evidence of such.

What MacKay fails to point out that it was his and O'Connor's and Harper 'sand all the Con government's job to investigate and determine that no such thing was, in fact, occurring and ensure that no such thing would occur. This is especially true when Harper decided to up the activities of our troops in Afghanistan to out and out combat in 2006.

Harper has been going around the world lately wrapping himself in the Canadian flag, but achieving only to sully it (Gar Pardy, retired Canadian diplomat speaking on: active diplomats may not be wiling to stand up to Harper and MacKay after seeing the insult as and character assassination Colvin suffered and in the Canadian media where he couldn't defend his honour).

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- MacKay Do The Honourable Thing - "seppuku " - figuratively - i.e. "spill your guts and resign"

Submitted, 10:07 am PST, to:
Canadians had detained abused suspect: general, December 9, 2009, CBC News
Tab 79

Harper and MacKay think they are warriors.

However, the hallmark of a warrior is honesty, integrity and honour.

MacKay, the way of the warrior would be to stand in front of the Committee today and do the honourable thing - "seppuku " - figuratively - i.e. "spill your guts and resign". Take responsibility for your actions. Be a true warrior.

If anyone wants to see how a true warrior handles themselves take a look at Gen. Walter Natynczyk today. He stood up for all Canadians to hear that he had said something that wasn't true yesterday - the Afghan passed to Afghan authorities and mistreated had not been detained and that he learned last night that that wasn't true.

Natynczyk did the honourable thing.

MacKay is obviously going to say that he was not aware of any Afghan detainees transferred to Afghan authorities and has said there was no evidence of such.

MacKay's and Harper's job was to investigate and determine that no such thing was, in fact, occurring and ensure that no such thing would occur - especially true because Harper decided to up the activities of our troops in Afghanistan to out and out combat in 2006.

MacKay and Harper, rather than approach this issue in 2006 - 2007 in a reasonable fashion, respond in a meaningful fashion to the, quite legitimate, inquiries of Afghan detainee transfers, they denied everything, hid information, obstructed and distorted and insulted and attacked the credibility of whomever crossed their path and all that dare to stand up to them - and they are still doing this - and Canada be damned.

Harper has been going around the world lately wrapping himself in the Canadian flag, but has achieving only to sully it (Gar Pardy, retired Canadian diplomat).

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- What Will MacKay Say to the Parliamentary Committee Today

Ottawa Notebook, Peter MacKay reaches for the eggnog, December 9, 2009, Jane Taber
Tab 7

If anyone wants to predict what MacKay might say today?

With the possibility of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity allegations by the International Criminal Court (not to mention domestic Canadian Criminal law) staring him in the face.

MacKay is likely to respond to any questions by Opposition MP's in the same way that got him into this trouble in the first place, and the way he has been responding ever since then - hostility, aggression, insults, character assassination, accusations, avoidance, obscuration, obstruction, hiding behind "national security classification" ( I wonder how far that goes at The Hague) and generally, contempt for Parliament and those who are doing the job we Canadians sent them there for, or at 2/3rds of Canadians, anyway.

If I were one of men or women in uniform I would be demanding that the truth be revealed and immediately. MacKay and Harper's aggressive, in-your-face actions in 2006 may very well have placed our troops in harm's way, vis-a-vis Int'l Human Rights and War Crimes Laws, and even Canadian Criminal Laws, and Afghan detainee transfers, after Harper up'd Canada's participation to direct fighting when the came into power in 2006. If Canadians have to wait until the truth be revealed at the International Criminal Court, in the Hague, in the spotlight for all nations to see, they may be in a very bad mood about it all. If we bring the truth to light domestically, through a Public Inquiry Canadians may very well be more disposed to understanding just how difficult it is to answer the call of duty in the context of present day International laws and fighting on foreign soil, supporting our troops and turn towards Harper, MacKay and O'Connor and all Con's for justice.

- MacKay's, Harper's and all the Con's demonstrated contempt for Parliament.

- MacKay, Harper, Baird, and the other Con's approach to any criticism is to insult and attack the character of those that are criticizing, as opposed to dealing with the issue in a rational, civil fashion, as was and is their duty as Parliamentarians and those running the our Government.

- MacKay, Harper, Baird, and the other Con's have been doing this all along. They have no interest in the truth, doing what's right (morally, that is) or properly addressing the issues of the day. They only are concerned with grabbing onto power and maintaining it, at any cost, and Canada be damned.

- MacKay, Harper, Baird, and the other Con's actions are coming back to haunt them. Rather than approach this issue in 2006 - 2007 in a reasonable fashion as was, and is, their duty as the government and respond in a meaningful, useful fashion to the, quite legitimate, criticism of Afghan detainee transfers, they denied everything, hid information, obstructed and distorted and insulted and attacked the credibility of whomever crossed their path - sounds like what they are doing now with Colvin and all other that dare to stand up to them. They didn't have to take that approach but that is what they are all about, as I said, Canada be damned.

- If I were one of men or women in uniform I would be demanding that the truth be revealed and immediately. MacKay and Harper's aggressive, in-your-face actions in 2006 may very well have placed our troops in harm's way, vis-a-vis Int'l Human Rights and War Crimes Laws, and even Canadian Criminal Laws, and Afghan detainee transfers, after Harper up'd Canada's participation to direct fighting when the came into power in 2006. If Canadians have to wait until the truth be revealed at the International Criminal Court, in the Hague, in the spotlight for all nations to see, they may be in a very bad mood about it all. If we bring the truth to light domestically, through a Public Inquiry Canadians may very well be more disposed to understanding just how difficult it is to answer the call of duty in the context of present day International laws and fighting on foreign soil, supporting our troops and turn towards Harper, MacKay and O'Connor and all Con's for justice.

The problem is that this is on the record for all to see and now they are even more desperate since not only do they have they original issue staring them in the face again, they have their original denials, attacks, cover-up as well.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.htm

08 December, 2009

- Global Warming - We can't afford to label "urgency" as "panic","passionate advocacy" as 'irrational'

- Global Warming - If There Is More Than a Mere Possibility We Must Act Now (see below) ... continued ...

(unfortuantely posting comments was closed when I read Jerky's comment)

Jerky wrote: "I not sure I understand your panic but man I'll defend to the death your right to be irrational "

We can't afford to label "urgency" as "panic". Nor can we afford to label "passionate advocacy" as 'irrational'.

It may not be urgent for you but that is the exact point. We must take urgent action, not for ourselves, but for our children. It may be irrational to you to have to pay out money now for something that won't affect you, but we made the problem, we are in the position to do something about it before it is too late. Saying that is economically expensive is a mere shirking of our responsibilities.

I agree that one person can't do much, except, passionately advocate that everyone get together and do all they can. Harper motives are manifestly clear and they are not for the good of Canadians, current or future generations. I agree with Goalie, Harper 'fudges the truth" and "slanders" all that would dare to stand up to him. I can only say, give Harper and the Con's the boot.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- Global Warming - If There Is More Than a Mere Possibility We Must Act Now

Travers: O Canada, the world's 'dirty old man', A privileged generation chose to roll the dice on its children's future, James Travers National Affairs Columnist, Dec 8 2009

If there is anything more than a mere possibility of suffering the predicted catastrophic consequences of heretofore never seen proportions, both in terms of human suffering and in terms of economic loss,
of the effects of Global Warming,

Then, we, each and every person in Canada, both individually and as a nation, must stand up to Harper, Baird, Prentice and anyone who supports the them, tell them to crawl back to wherever the came from, roll up our sleeves and manifest the political and moral Will to take the action that so urgently must be taken and before it is too late.

The concept of Global Warming will only be a 100% certainty when it actually occurs and then like the Flat Earth Society, there will still be residual Con's denying it.

The standard of proof for action can not be 100% certainty. And Harper and the Con's insisting on this is merely obscuration, obstruction in order to avoid having to do anything about it. The reasons are purely political, as is everything Harper and the Con's do, and Canada and our children and our children's children, be damned.

Dumping Global Warming on our children and our children's children is economic suicide and societal genocide. The big problem, of course, and this is a huge difference that every Canadian ought to think about when listened to Harper Con's like this one, is:

It is not us, personally, that will suffer but someone else. Unfortunately, those someone else will be, as I said and it is worth repeats, our children and our children's children.

"Corrupt Petro-State" award or the "Dirty Old Man" award - Nice - Thanks Harper, Thanks Baird, Thanks Prentice.


I can only hope that in 50 years there will be a Canada as we know it and when they look back, they don't simply blame all of us, as a whole, for the damage done by Global Warming, but put the blame where it ought to lie - with Harper, Baird, Prentice all the Con's and all those Canadians that support Harper and the Con's. Perhaps all these articles and posting will still be circulating on the Internet so that they can see for themselves just exactly who it was that doomed them and for their own selfish reasons.

Global Warming - Nice legacy - Thanks Harper, Thanks Baird, Thanks Prentice (whose lack of visibility is so stark, and shocking given the current events, I had to look up who the current Minister of Environment was).

Of course, Canada's problem here, other than Harper general obstructionist, right wing extremist, approach, is Harper declaring that Canada's efforts in protecting out children's heritage is tied to the Americans.

Although I must say that Harper's vision of the nation of Canada as a bankrupt, third-world, very loose collection of 'autonomous states' fighting amongst each other and paying little more than lip service to Canada as federation, … oh, did I mention 'tough on crime', explains Harper's attitude of do nothing about Global Warming and our children be damned - that is, why bother, why go to the effort and expense.

- The Harper Legacy - "Corrupt Petro-State"; "Dirty Old Man Canada"

Bye-bye binding climate deal, Norman Spector, December 8, 2009
Tab 4,

How about the "Corrupt Petro-State" award or the "Dirty Old Man" award

Thank Harper, Thanks Baird, Thanks Prentice (whose lack of visibility is so stark, and shocking given the current events, I had to look up who the current Minister of Environment was).

Of course, Canada's problem here, other than Harper general obstructionist, right wing extremist, approach, is Harper declaring that Canada's efforts in protecting out children's heritage is tied to the Americans.

Although I must say that Harper's vision of the nation of Canada as a bankrupt, third-world, very loose collection of 'autonomous states' fighting amongst each other and paying little more than lip service to Canada as federation, … oh, did I mention 'tough on crime', explains Harper's attitude of do nothing about Global Warming and our children be damned - that is, why bother, why go to the effort and expense.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Reply at Tab 5:

'Johnny Test'??? wrote:"Lloyd Macilquham . . . That's because we do 85% of our trade with them. Dumping a tough target on our companies while American ones get a free ride is economic suicide."

'Johnny Test', or, whomever you are.

Dumping Global Warming on our children and our children's children is economic suicide.

The only difference, and this is a huge difference that every Canadian ought to think about when listened to Harper Con's like this one.

It is not us, personally, that will suffer but someone else.

Unfortunately, those someone else's will be, as I said and it is worth repeats, our children and our children's children.

I can only hope that in 50 years there will be a Canada as we know it and when they look back, they don't simply blame all of us, as a whole, for the damage done by Global Warming, but put the blame where it ought to lie - with Harper, Baird, Prentice all the Con's and all those Canadians that support Harper and the Con's.

However, I can see why Con supporters might not use their real names when posting comments that support Harper's 'Do-Nnothing' stance on Global Warming - all these Postings may still be circulating on the Internet in 50 years - nice legacy.

I can understand Norman Spector taking the position he does, after all he was a Mulroney adviser (if I'm not mistaken) - nuff said. On the other hand he at least has the conviction of his beliefs to put his name to his opinions. I don't agree with him very often, but I respect that about Spector - i.e. despite having some really bizarre, extremely partizan right wing, opinions over the years, he stands up to be counted and puts his name to them.

07 December, 2009

12/7/2009 1:29:39 PM
This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media … continued see below (Tab 7)

227 votes against my first posting "This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media" and in the span of 30 minutes (and one in favour - thanks Mom) (see tab 5)

1 (one) vote against my second posting "This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media … continued" and in the span of 30 minutes (and two in favour - Mom your not allowed to vote twice, even from heaven) . (see tab 5)

What is just as interesting is that my second post "This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media … continued" was in the same vein as my first post.

Con supporters don't normally gang up so fast and if there were 227 of them waiting in the wings, so to speak, to pounce when some unsuspecting blogger posted their comment, in good faith at that, you would think that they would pounce on my second post as well and just as quickly. Also, you would think that they wouldn't let my comments stand and so would be trashing me with reply postings.

Then who is pouncing in such great numbers to my post and who has the ability to do it so quickly. And who would vote against my comments and not post replies and running the risk of being found out. It couldn't be the Liberals and I would be surprised if were the NDP and I've covered the Con's - also they may hide their identity but everyone can tell a Con when the read one.

Who does that leave? I won't mention any names, ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo - sorry sneezed again.

Anyone with a suggestion please Post it.

PS - But I have to say I am surprised Jane Taber has let my Comments stand - perhaps getting 227 votes against so quickly was a good thing - perhaps Taber wants everyone to see how Canadians have dissed my comments and so quickly.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media. … continued

"This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media" ... continued see below

197 votes against my first posting "This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media" and in the span of 20 minutes.

Wow, I must have said something right (morally right that is).

Please let me know what it was.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media. … continued

12/7/2009 12:57:59 PM
This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media. … continued (see below)

It is no wonder that Global Warming activists in Canada feel compelled to climb to the top of the Parliamentary Building to cry out their message.

They have to do something exceptionally astounding in order to catch the attention of the International Media so they will print their concerns so Canadians can read it, undistorted. We certainly can't rely on the Canadian Media for this. Who cares about how good Harper is at spin.

I won't mention any names, ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo - sorry sneezed again.

It's pathetic commentary on the Canadian Media when Canadians have to rely on the International Media to get a truth picture and perspective of the damage that Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Flaherty, Baird, and all the Con's are doing to not only our International image, but this great nation of ours.

It is outrageous to think of how our forefathers and mothers expended their blood, sweat and tears to build our nation over many generations and how Harper and his position on Global Warming, his mind boggling budget deficits, which Harper and the Con's are spending as if it were their own, are destroying in a few, not so short, years.

God save Canada!

Or, should I say God helps those who help themselves - let's take Canada's destiny into our own hands, and give Harper, MacKay, Baird, O'Connor, Toews, Van Loan and all the Con's the boot.

(PS - wow over 500 character left for this post - so many characters and so little time - but it might not matter, I'll be lucky if Jane Taber doesn't pull this one down)

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html
Ottawa Notebook, Eco-activists storm the Hill
Jane Taber , December 7, 2009
Tab 4

This is to all the 'Lame Sabers' in the Canadian Media.

"Dirty Canada" "Corrupt Petro-State"

This is what the International Press is reporting these days about Canada.

And if the proverbial S... hits the International fan regarding the transfer of Afghan prisoners to Afghan authorities, and especially if the International Criminal Court, in The Hague, decides to investigate Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the Con government's transferring Afghan prisoners to the Afghan authorities in 2006, they will likely have a lot worse things to say about Canada. And, we have nobody but ourselves, or at least those who support Harper, to blame.

What does the Canadian Press say regarding all this negative press against Canada's previously stellar International reputation. They blame Ignatieff and expound the wonders of Harper's 'mastery' of spin.

I won't mention any names, ah ah aaaa "Lame Saber" chooo - sorry I sneezed.

One can only wonder to what extent, given the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials.

It is no wonder that Global Warming activists in Canada feel compelled to climb to the top of the Parliamentary Building to give their message. They have to do something exceptionally astounding in order to catch the attention of the International so they will print their concerns so Candians can read it. Who cares about how good Harper is at spin.

It's pathetic commentary on the Canadian Media when Canadians have to rely on the International Media to get a truth picture and perspective of the damage that Harper, MacKay, O'Connor, Flaherty, Baird, and all the Con's are doing to not only our International image, but this great nation of ours.

It is outrageous to think of how our forefathers and mothers expended their blood, sweat and tears to build our nation over many generations and how Harper and his position on Global Warming, his mind boggling budget deficits, which Harper and the Con's are spending as if it were their own, are destroying in a few, not so short, years. God save Canada!

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- Canada considered a "corrupt petro-state” by the International community? - Thanks Harper - good work.

'Dirty' image puts Canada in climate doghouse at Copenhagen, Eric Reguly and Nathan Vanderklippe, Dec. 07, 2009
Tab 61

When Harper became Prime Minister one of the first announcements he made was to declare Canada an "Energy Super-Power".

One may dispute whether that was true at the time or not.

But, after just about 4 years as Prime Minister, Harper has changed the perception of Canada on the International stage from "Energy Superpower" to "corrupt petro-state.”

Thanks Harper, or rather should I say, thanks to everyone who supports Harper and keep him in power.

If our previous stellar International reputation is tarnished we only have ourselves to blame, or at least those who support Harper and his gang of Con's.

God save Canada!

Or, should I say God helps those who help themselves - let's take Canada's destiny into our own hands, and give Harper, MacKay, Baird, O'Connor, Toews, Van Loan and all the Con's the boot.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

- And Flaherty pushes bigger global role - God Save Canada!

Flaherty pushes bigger global role, Kevin Carmichael, Dec. 07, 2009
Tab 2

Harper, Flaherty, MacKay, Baird and all the Con's have already given Canada quite a reputation on the International stage, a 'bigger' negative, aggressionist and obstructionist role globally.

One need only read the current headlines in the Global media regarding Harper's obstructionist "Take No Action" stance on Global Warming and that the Tar Sands are quickly becoming the symbol of "Dirty Canada". Oh, sorry, he is following Obama. Well, Harper, take a look at what Obama, the US and other country in the World, that take their moral and legal obligations seriously, have to say about your position and the Tar Sands.

One need only look at Harper's 'in-your-face' 'Insult Diplomacy' that delayed implementation of the Approved Destination Status by China for 4 years and compelled its President to publicly, while in the International spotlight, rebuke Harper - thanks, Harper.

And Canada may take prominence on the Global Scene in the not too distant future, if the International Criminal Court, in The Hague, decides to investigate Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the Con government's transferring Afghan prisoners to the Afghan authorities in 2006.

Canadians put Harper in the position to do this, some might say with predictable results, and Canadians allowed Harper, MacKay, O'Connor and the Con's to respond to legitimate and important questions by the Opposition in 2006 with in-your-face attitude, insults and viscous personal attacks, rather than take appropriate steps to ensure there is no question of violating International Human Rights and War Crime Laws, give real and pertinent answers. So, if our previous stellar International reputation is tarnished we only have ourselves to blame, or at least those who support Harper and his gang of Con's.

And Flaherty wants to take a bigger global role - God save Canada!

If Harper and the other Con's really were concerned about Canada's image and role Globally, they would resign.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

06 December, 2009

- It is time to Stand Up, Be Counted, Expose Harper for What He Is

To James Tarvers and all te Reproters in Canada:

It is easy to point to Ignatieff and say he has dropped the ball.

But what about all those people who voted against Harper and want him out of power, yes even those Liberals amongst them.

It is time every one in Canada who wants to re-establish Democracy to stand up and let themselves be counted. With the support of the people I have no doubt that Ignatieff will rise to the occasion.

The media is not off the hook either. Aside from it being their country too; as Harper himself said the media ought to be "[shining a] light into dark corners" of government and "assist the process of holding governments accountable”.

Instead, the media would rather criticize Ignatieff. One can only wonder to what extent, given the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials.

Harper and the Con's have developed the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western democracies in
recent history that they have no hesitation in using no matter how reprehensible and morally and
secularly dishonest, approaching Canadians on an emotional level, with a total disregard for the truth.

The Harper, and the Con’s generally, style politics is of distortion, cover-up, duplicity, deception, obscuration and obfuscation, suppression of truth and, slandering, mud slinging and character assassination in lieu of serious and sober response to important issues. Their attitude to Science and Scientific research are in the dank ages and Crime reminiscent of the irrationality surrounding witch-hunts and the Inquisition.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

See: Travers: Harper writes the rules, wins the game, James Travers, 5 Dec.'06

- To The Chinese Leadership, Harper is a mere boy scout - they don't need Harper to Cowtow

Harper’s not for kowtowing, Norman Spector , 4 Dec.'09
Tab 19
- Norman, To The Chinese Leadership, Harper's a mere boy scout. The Chines Officials don't need Harper to Cowtow, but like any child he does need a scolding now and then to keep him in line.

You reap what you sow.

The problem is that Harper sowed this discord and we Canadians are reaping the world stage rebuke and damage of trade relations.

Harper's reply is equally embarrassing and typically Harper - try to deflect, no matter how much Bunk you proffer. It is not likely to cause Hu Jing Tao to start tripping over himself from losing face.

Perhaps Harper can list the number of time the Can. Government has approached China to invite them to come to Canada.

You can be sure that Hu Jing Tao's rebuke was very carefully and deliberately designed to send a message, not to Harper - I can't see the Chinese caring very much what Harper, personally, thinks - but to the Canadian people. The timing of the rebuke was also very carefully chosen at a time when all Canadians would hear it directly and openly.

The clear message - Harper you may boast that Canada is an Oil Superpower and you may tout Canada as a source of raw materials. But, Harper you are such small potatoes that we have no reservation of humiliating you while the International light is shining on us. Other countries have Oil and raw materials, who don't take an 'in-your-face' approach and don't insult us to our faces on the International stage. Our culture is 5000 years old, we have just spent 100's of years of suffering and in poverty. We can wait a couple more years for you and your kind to get the boot from Canadians and then re-instate warm, cordial relations as friends and co-horts on the International Stage.

Harper also fails to point out that the Liberal government had obtained Approved Destination Status in Jan.'05 and it was Harper himself with his in-your-face, 'Insult Diplomacy' that caused the Chinese to drop it.(see: David Emerson on the Industry Canada Website, dated 21 Jan.'05, where he announced "Canada Granted Approved Destination Status by Chinese Government" (ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ic1.nsf/eng/02331.html)

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Posted on December 13, 2009 @ 10:21 am PST
MP touts Asia trip’s accomplishments, December 11,2009 , David Burke/Whistler Question

- Honk Kong gets Canada's beef. Canadians get Harper's bull

Canadian beef exporters regain access to Hong Kong, The Canadian Press,Dec. 06, 2009
Tab 12

Canada's beef exporters may benefit from this announcement.

But was it really necessary for Harper to go to Hong Kong to get this 'concession'. Especially when you consider that nobody in Hong Kong knows him or cares who he is.

Harper has reduced the Office of Prime Minister of Canada on the Asian stage to that of being a member of Da Shan's entourage.

In China Harper went strutting around like he single handedly got the Approved Destination Status concession from China. He failed to mention that Canada is one of the last countries in the world to be granted this status by China.

He also fails to point out that the Liberal government had obtained Approved Destination Status in January, 2005 and it was Harper himself with his in-your-face, 'Insult Diplomacy' that caused the Chinese to drop it. See the statement by David Emerson on the Industry Canada Website, dated 21 Jan.'05, where he announced "Canada Granted Approved Destination Status by Chinese Government"
( http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ic1.nsf/eng/02331.html)

Perhaps the real reason Harper went to Hong Kong is to delay having to return to Canada and 'face the music' regarding the Afghan Detainee scandal, the HST undoing of the 2 point reduction on GST, etc.. Evidently Harper is also trying to identify himself with Canada's military, perhaps to deflect the accusations that his actions in 2006 placed our troops in harm's way, vis-a-vis Int'l Human Rights and War Crimes Laws and Afghan detainee transfers, after Harper up'd Canada's participation to direct fighting when the came into power in 2006.

Now Hong Kong doesn't need to ask "Where's the Beef"; and,

Canadians don't have to ask "Where's the bull".

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

05 December, 2009

- Canadians should be more concerned about the abuse by Harper and the Con's on Canadians and our Economy.

Harper says trade won't stifle human rights talk
Last Updated: Friday, December 4, 2009
Tab 63

This can be seen in the current scandals including Harper placing our troops in harm's way, vis-a-vis Int'l Human Rights and War Crimes Laws and Afghan detainee transfers after Harper up'd Canada's participation to direct fighting when the came into power in 2006.

And, for example: If you go to the Gov't site at Industry Canada you can read:


The Approved Destination Status was never implemented in Jan.'05, when it was first announced by China as a direct result of the Liberal Government's efforts, because Harper and his Con's came into power, insulted the Chinese openly on the International Status in the Harper in-your-face diplomacy, and the implementation died 'on the cutting room floor' so to speak.

And who can forget Harper reducing the GST by 2 points despite the overwhelming evidence that it was the exact wrong thing to do.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

also posted to: Harper stands firm on human rights, PM softens his tone but not his message in speech to Canadian business elite in China, Bill Schiller, Dec 5 2009
tab 1

- Con'd again by Harper - Approved Destination Status

Scoring in China – without prostituting ourselves, John Ibbitson, December 4, 2009
Tab 27

If you go to the Canadian Government Website at Industry Canada you can read the headlines:





If Canada was awarded Approved Destination Status under the Liberal Government in January, 2005, 'then what happened'.

Oh, sorry I meant to say 'then Harper happened'.

The Approved Destination Status was never implemented because Harper and his Con's came into power, insulted the Chinese openly on the International Status in the Harper in-your-face, my way or the highway diplomacy, and the implementation died 'on the cutting room floor' so to speak.

Instead of gloating about his self professed great achievement in Beijing this week perhaps Harper could explain why it is that Canadians and the Canadian Economy was required to wait an additional almost 4 years to start to reap the benefits of what the Liberal Party while in government sowed.

The fact of the matter is that Harper had to go to Beijing this Fall humble himself and accept his public humiliation in order for the Beijing Government to bring the Approved Destination Status back on track.

Why, obviously, if British Columbia held the Winter Olympics without Chinese being able to attend, it would be a political disaster for Harper and the Con's, especially in BC and especially after bring in the HST.

Of course, now Harper will claim that he owns the Approved Destination Status file and it was due only to his efforts that we have it.

Con'd by Harper once again! God save Canada!

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Also submitted to: Don Martin: Harper wins another round, December 05, 2009

Canada 'scratching the surface' with China: Harper, December 4, 2009, Sean Kilpatrick / the Canadian Press

Tab 1