05 March, 2010

- Stephen Harper - the Pied Piper our children must pay

Posted: 7:45am 5 Mar.'10 CBC

Budget 2010: A closer look at the numbers, 5 Mar.'10
Tab 3
Posted: 7:55am, 5 Mar.'10 CBC
What this budget means for you, John McHutchion, CBC News, 4 Mar.'10
Tab 3

Yesterday, commenting on the Speech from the Throne, I wrote:
"How many Canadians get the impression we've been lied to by Stephen Harper and all the Conservatives.

I guess the real reason for Proroguing was, indeed, as Micheal Ignatieff and the Liberals have been saying - to try to avoid facing up to the Afghan Detainee Transfer and ensuing scandal."

Today, my comment on the 'budget' is:

How many Canadians get the impression we've been lied to by Stephen Harper, Jim Flaherty and all the Conservatives.

The basic approach here is 'steady as she goes' and we will grow ourselves out of deficit by "restraint in the growth of spending" (to the public service, national defence, foreign aid envelope - to clarify things Peter MacKay has come out and re-assured us that spending for national defence will still be increasing but just not as fast - thanks Peter, you're a saint).

The basic Con doctrine, so adeptly expressed by Tom Flanagan, 'it doesn't have to be true, it just has to be plausible' [sic].

"Steady as she goes", sounds great as if it means everyone will do ok. However, in reality, it means the trend of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer will flourish and in fact this budget promotes it.

"Restraint in the growth of spending" assists in the reduction and 'unwinding' of Canada as a Federalism and is likely meant to be a code phrase to all those die-hard Con's especially those in the West.

Stephen Harper, Jim Flaherty and the Cons say no tax hikes but they are raising the Federal payroll taxes 13billion (which will likley kill 200,000 jobs and hurt small business).

And lets face it. If Harper and the Cons remain in power over the next 4 - 5 years, especially if they get a majority, you can be certain transfer payments will be reduced and drastically.

Harper may be playing a 'magic lute' but it is all Canadians, our children and our children's children that must 'Pay the Piper'.

Our government's raison d'ĂȘtre is to help those that need help and protect those that need protection. The Harper strategy appears to be to reduces the help and the protection, then federal government will have no justification and so can be 'dissolved'.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html