20 March, 2010

- Harper - Right to the Bitter End

submitted: 8:26am, PST, 20 Mar.'10 The Toronto Star
Travers: PM, rivals gamble in high stakes game, 20 Mar.'10
Tab 2

It seems Stephen Harper and the Con's are becoming un-nerved over the contempt of Parliament for not abiding by the House of Commons Order to release the documents relating to the Afghan Detainee Transfer scandal and ensuing cover-up - and rightfully so.

However, I don't think it is a question of a high stakes "game".

Harper and the Con's have no choice but to fight releasing the Afghan Detainee Transfer documents to the bitter end. If the truth be know, it is likely, at the very least, Harper and the Con's regime is over.

Parliament has no choice but to assert its paramountcy to the bitter end. If it doesn't Harper's powers will be unfettered and Parliament marginalized.

Harper will use the 'populism' card as he did in Dec.'08 - he is Prime Minister at the will of the people and not the will of Parliament, comparing our elections to those of Presidential elections in the US. There is no comparison, of course, we vote our representatives and they in turn choose the PM. This makes our representatives paramount, otherwise we loose our representation and become disenfranchised - something like what happens in a dictatorship.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html