01 March, 2010

- Harper should get a Game Misconduct from Parliament

3/1/2010 1:21:16 PM The Globe and Mail, Tab 20
(see Article below)

Never mind whether ' Own the Podium ' has been successful how about Stephen Harper and the Con's ' Own The Parliament ' strategy?

If our Hockey Players had played hockey the way Stephen Harper and the Con's do politics, they would all have been given game misconducts and the teams kicked out of the Olympics.

. . . There's a thought, kick Harper and the Con's out of office.

*** I couldn't resist the Irony in the following Post by 'Blind Vision'

Tab 11: 'If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh. A liberal will delete it because he's "offended".'

Like the rest of your post, you've got it wrong.

It's the Liberals that would get a good laugh and in fact the 2/3rds Canadians that voted against Harper and the Con's that would get a good laugh;


anyone whose 'Vision Is Not Blinded' by self-interest but has the good of all Canadians clearly in sight would be offended.

Blind Vision, if you have such confidence of conviction and truly believed what you are writing, why hide behind a fake name.


DJay, Tab 13, wrote: "Why of course Harper's slide in the polls was going to stop; as soon as it collided with the collective, thick-skulled portion of the Canadian populace that has always represented its base; - roughly around 30% to 35%."

It is a mistake to think that all the die-hard Harper and the Con Party supporters are " thick-skulled portion of the Canadian populace", besides they are just as entitled to their say as any other. I don't agree that our politics should be based on self-interested, short-sightedness, emotions, irrationality, extreme right wing ideology. But they do have a right to their opinions. It is not their fault Harper is in Power. It the fault of the other 2/3rds of Canadians that stand by and let Harper run things.

Also, I have been posting the die-hard support for Harper and the Con's runs around 33 - 35%, with 33% more recently.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html