09 March, 2010

- Harper: If It Looks Like a Cover-Up and Smells Like a Cover-Up

Posted: 7:13am, PST, 9 Mar.'10
Ottawa anticipated Afghan torture allegations: memo, March 8, 2010, Gil Shochat, CBC News
Tab 104

David Mulroney testimony at the Parliamentary Committee:

"We did this not because of confirmed instances of real and substantial risk of torture or mistreatment of Canadian-transferred detainees but because it was clear that what we had in place at the time could and should be further reinforced. We needed to be far more engaged in terms of monitoring, training, and providing infrastructure and equipment."
(CBC, 9 Mar.'10)

There appears to be a disconnect in the testimony of David Mulroney. From what I heard on CBC, the Memo, in actuality, had nothing to do with "monitoring, training, and providing infrastructure and equipment." but everything to do with how to handle the Media in response to inquiries about the treatment of Afghan Detainees being transferred (and as I recall this was the Harper government's response until they were forced to abandon this position).

Of course, " because it was clear that what we had in place at the time could and should be further reinforced" begs the question: if there were no " confirmed instances of real and substantial risk" why should it need be further reinforced.

Also, " We did this not because of confirmed instances of real and substantial risk of torture or mistreatment" does not actually deny any such confirmed instances but its wording suggests that non existed.

This is not the only instance of testimony at the Committee that required clarification.

This illustrates another reason why we need a thorough investigation and public Judicial Inquiry with subpoena powers and experienced lawyers.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html