09 March, 2010

- Harper: Trust Me . . . No Really

Submitted: 7:46am, PST, 9 Mar.'10 CBC
PM defends spy agency's Afghan role, March 8, 2010, CBC News
Tab 83

All those Canadians that trust Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, John Baird, Laurie Hawn and the Con government raise your hand.

Harper: "I hope if the honourable member does not trust the government, if he doesn't trust the Canadian Forces, doesn't trust the foreign service or anybody else, maybe he can trust Justice Iacobucci to review the documents," the prime minister told the Commons.

Unfortunately, and it is a sad day for Canada. It is those that hold the reigns of power that are in question and the source of all the mistrust.

It is not the Civil service. It is not our men and women in uniform. It is not the foreign service. And it is not anyone else.

It is Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, John Baird, Laurie Hawn and all the Con government that are in question, and the source of all the mistrust. It is they for whom the issue is whether they have respected Canada's "international obligations at all times." Not anyone else.

Paul Martin stood tall, took the high ground, did the right thing (morally right that is) and ordered a full public Judicial Inquiry into the Sponsorship Scandal, despite the obviously predictable negative political impact on himself and the Liberal Party. Martin and The Liberal Party paid the price. Canada is paying the price too, it allowed Harper power in the first place.

Stephen Harper and the Con's keep suggesting that it was the previous Liberal government's policies that are at fault and they changed them. However, once again the Liberals are demanding the the right thing (morally right that is) be done, despite the possibility that they will be found at fault as well.

Stephen Harper, show some moral fiber, do the right (morally) thing, stand up, face the nation and call a full public Judicial Inquiry. Abandon your obscurations, obstructions and delaying tactics.

I would be very surprised if Canadians, to a person, would not stand up and support our men and women in uniform, if the truth were to be revealed.

However, it would be outrageous if Canadians would have to wait for action outside Canada, on the International level and especially the International Criminal Courts in the Hague, to learn the truth.

It seems to me that anyone who strongly supports the military would demand an Inquiry in order to place the blame where it ought to lie.

The only people that don't want an Inquiry are those that strongly support Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, John Baird, Laurie Hawn and the Con's.
Mr. Harper, why do Canadians deserve this? because they let you into power?

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html