04 March, 2010

- Harper's Recalibration - Con'd Again!

Posted 2010/03/04 at 10:58 CBC
Throne speech blasted as disappointing 'old stuff' Government's agenda silent on many key points, opposition leaders say, March 3, 2010, CBC
tab 105

How many Canadians get the impression we've been lied to by Stephen Harper and all the Conservatives.

I guess the real reason for Proroguing was, indeed, as Micheal Ignatieff and the Liberals have been saying - to try to avoid facing up to the Afghan Detainee Transfer and ensuing scandal.

Harper, show some moral fiber and backbone. Stand up and take responsibility for the Afghan Detainee Transfer and ensuing scandal. Call a Judicial Inquiry. Paul Martin did with the sponsorship scandal. Why should Canadian have to suffer this hurt and indignity simply because Harper wants to clutch onto power.

On the other hand, perhaps the logic is by simply re-introducing all this old stuff, it is hard for the Opposition to vote against it - shrewd!

It appears this Throne Speech reveals a serious problem amongst the Conservative movement.

Harper want to stay in power and is doing anything and everything to grasp and maintain it. The Conservative movement wants a consolidated coherent and comprehensive policy and agenda that reflects and promotes their extreme right wing ideology.

However, Harper knows that if he were to do this his days in office would be numbered (to approx. 35). This leaves Harper with only one course and we are seeing it.

But, there's more and it's insidious. Harper, in fact, is using Parliament as a smoke screen (in military parlance, 'diversion'), while he implements his extremist, right wing ideology and re-make Canada into an extremist, right wing, intolerant society by ignoring our Democratic Institutions, disenfranchising the overwhelming majority of Canadians, hamstringing all Institutional supervision and do everything through his Executive powers. One of the prime methods is appointing right wing extremists to every administrative position in sight. Another of course is through the budget as we will see.

It is not the lyrics "in all thy sons command" in Canada's national anthem that requires urgent and serious consideration at this time in our nation's development.

It's "we stand on guard for thee"

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html