18 September, 2010

- Mr. Harper, Surprise, Surprise, Canada is Actually a Democracy

Posted: wlloydm 10:47 AM on September 18, 2010 National Post
‘Orwellian’ bureaucrats shielding PM from media surprises: documents, Adrian Lam/Postmedia News, 16 Sep.'10, National Post

We all have to ask ourselves just exactly why it is that Harper and the Cons are so concerned about 'surprises'. What kind of people engaging in what kind of activities are so concerned.

It may be an explanation of the large budget increases at the PMO's office, and after all who's going to write those MAP's - sure not Harper himself, not all of them.

Andrew Weaver, a climatologist at the University of Victoria, has revealed a very fundamental point - ah, leave it to those scientists to look at truth and reality, on a rational basis.

“It’s Orwellian, . . . The sad reality is that these guys in Ottawa think federal scientists work for them . . . They don’t, they work for the people of Canada.”

Sound familiar, how about the way that Harper and the Con's have been spending 10 of millions of our hard earned tax dollars on media hype to have the good people of Canada identify our Stimulus spending with Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada. How about the billion and counting for the Con photo op in downtown Toronto in August, which caused the sacking of the Toronto core.

Mr Weaver is right (morally that is).

It is not Michael Ignatieff that suffers, it is not the Liberal Party of Canada, it is not even the NDP.

It is the people of Canada, all of us, together, that suffer and are so abused.

And the cold, hard reality also is:

Unless all Canadians are willing to stand up, be counted, and in unison say "I want my Canada back" Harper can do all these thing with impunity.
As long as the Harper policies do not consolidate the opposition then Harper can, and does, take the position 'Canadians be dam[redacted]d'.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html