06 September, 2010

- Hey Harper, Looks Like You May Have To Add a Few $100 Million to The G-20 Security Costs

Posted: 9/6/2010 12:15:11 PM The Globe and Mail
Police made mistakes in G20 tactics, chief admits for first time, Gobe and Mail, Sep. 03, 2010 8:55PM EDT

So, $160 million, and counting, in law suits. This is not to say legal fees and costs, on both sides, as well as to the administration of justice.

I wonder what other post-G8-20 costs we will have to add to over one billion in security costs already admitted (I think admitted anyway, or is it $250 million admitted and over $1billion actual, I have to check).

As I blogged 20 June: 'Harper the Master Strategist - Give them Toronto':

"In an interview with CTV's . . . Canada AM Monday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper denounced the violence that he called 'pretty disturbing and pretty deplorable.'

[Stephen Harper]
'That said, these leaders, we attend summits all the time and we know the unfortunate reality is that these summits attract a certain thuggish criminal element. And that's just the reality,' he said.

'Unfortunately, when you have peaceful protests, there are some who use it for other purposes… So leaders understand, we've seen it in other cities, we're going to see it again in the future.'

. . .

[So, it seems Harper knew in advance the likelihood of such destruction in downtown Toronto.]

One need only ask themselves why Harper changed the location of the G20 from Tony Clement's riding to Toronto.

If anyone was wondering the real reason Harper had the G20 moved to Toronto, we can now clearly see.[Clement] would surely get the boot in the next election had this [trashing of downtown area] happened in his riding. Toronto doesn't vote Con anyway so what Con cares. To add injury to injury, apparently Harper and the Con's are refusing to cover the damage (which the individual owners explain this type of damage is not normally covered by insurance).

Anyone in Canada who thinks that Harper and the Con's do anything for the good of all of Canada ought to take this statement very seriously."

"Chief Blair also acknowledged the problems his force faced the previous day, when the small group of black-bloc anarchists splintered off a larger peaceful march. He said he was 'taken by surprise' by the anarchists’ moves, and that it was “extremely difficult” to police a march and a mob at the same time. He said Saturday’s anarchy had an effect on Sunday’s police tactics. "

Chief Blair explains that they were 'taken by surprise' by the splintering from the main, peaceful protest.

Perhaps Harper should have briefed Chief Blair on the risks.

An interesting question is whether this is a new tactic by G8-20 protestors or something that has been used before, and if so how common is it.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html