26 September, 2010

- "Harper Orgy of Excess" - You've Got that 'Right' - Rock On Ralph!

Submitted: 8:34 am, 26 Sep.'10 CBC News
G8/G20 spending an 'orgy of excess': Liberals, CBC News, September 24, 2010
Tab 221

Vic Toews on CBC:

"Look we are dealing with about a billion dollars cost. I consider every penny spent to be an important expenditure …

But look, lets focus on the big picture . . . We followed the advice of the security experts . . . I am quite confident we made the right decisions given the time context that we were operating under. . . .

Obviously, when I was briefed on all of these matters when I came into office I didn't go through the billion dollars expenditure line by line . . ."

But what we have done and what I consider priority was to ensure that you get the 14000 bill for glow sticks and call upon the government then and the organizers to justify why those in fact were used."

Sounds like Harper, Toews and the Cons are trying to shift the blame for the orgy of excess on the organizers and that they did not have enough time to ensure that the money was well spent.

Does anyone recall Stephen Harper or any of the Con's accepting responsibility for any of their 'Cons' that the opposition and media has shone their light upon, and there have been many.

Well, Mr. Harper, Mr. Toews

"That sir, if I may say respectfully, that is not good enough for Canadians."

"You had an option sir to say 'no' and you chose to say 'yes'".

(Mulroney, '84)

Mr. Harper, you chose to say "yes" to holding the G8-20 in the first place not because it benefits Canadians, but as one big photo op for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada.

Mr. Harper, sir, if I may say respectfully, you could have said "no"

Mr. Harper, you chose to say "yes" to transferring the G20 from Tony Clement's riding to downtown Toronto (and after a goodly % of the money spent was spent in Minister Clement's riding), knowing that the downtown area of Toronto would in all likelihood be trashed. Of course, therein lies the answer - Toronto doesn't elect Con's and what would the chances of Clement being re-elected if they did to Muskoka what they did to Toronto.

Mr. Harper, sir, if I may say respectfully, you could have said "no"

As far as transparency is concerned:

Waiting for the Opposition to force it out of the Harper government; wait until the Spring for the Auditor general's report, is not transparency.

Mr. Harper, that sir, is not good enough for Canadians.

Let Mr. Harper, Mr. Toews promise to all Canadians that all the information on all the spending will be in front of all Canadians prior to the next election.

They can throw in the '09 RCMP Gun Registry Report, Afghan Detainee documents, proper accounting of the over 100 million in advertizing by the Harper government, and, of course, explain just exactly why we need to spend 16 billion on 65 F35's.

And let Harper, Toews and all the Con's do these things not in a political but an informed fashion.

Just think:

If Harper were not procuring these Strike Force jets, he may not be required to increase the EI premiums of Canadian workers


If Harper did not reduce the Corporate taxes, which are already lower than the US; if Harper were to eliminated the 1.4 billion subsidies to the oil and gas industry; if Harper had not reduvced the GST; and, there's more, of course.


We might even be better able to afford the "Harper Orgy of Excess" - Now That's Calling an Apple An Apple, you've got that 'Right' MR. Goodale, Rock On Ralph.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html