17 September, 2010

- I agree with Sheila Copps.

How to fix QP? It’s simple, Norman Spector


In that Question Period is a very important and useful aspect of our Parliamentary System. Having camera's is also very important.

Getting rid of the camera's would give the Opposition one less ability to make the government accountable and thus enhance Canadian democracy. On the other hand, given the extent to which Stephen Harper and the Cons have curtailed our democratic process already and suppressed accountability, getting rid of the cameras seems like small potatoes, indeed.

It is the people of Canada that should stand up, be counted and say in no uncertain terms of what behavior and by whom they do not approve.

The media should shine their light in clear, unequivocal and glaring fashion at behavior that is unbecoming a representative of the people of this great and proud nation.

If someone is acting like a loudmouth bully then bring that to the attention of all Canadians.

If they are evading questions and responding with insult and personal slurs, they should ring this loud and clear.

For all those MP's out there whose concept of truth is whether it is recorded in Hansard TV cameras offer one more means of holding them accountable.

In fact there should be a few more cameras panning the house and a production crew to operate the various cameras and get the good shots.

Norman, you have a forum from which to do just that and you have many years experiences involved in Federal politics. Surely, if there is any media guy around that could do this is you. Or, is it that your political affiliations get in the way.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html