09 September, 2010

- Hey Stephen Harper - “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive” (Sir Walter Scott)

No cash, no signs: Tories made stimulus funds contingent on erecting billboards, Bruce Cheadle, The Canadian Press, The Globe and Mail, Sep. 09, 2010
Tab 43

Access to Information nets 'secret memo'???

I'm surprised that we didn't require a ruling from the Speaker of the House, with a Committee to vet each such documents to protect national security.

How many people out there think this is all a bit 'over the top' even for Stephen Harper and all the Con's running this great country of ours.

How many cynically believe that this is a self-serving, partizan 'action plan' by Harper and the Con's to have the Stimulus funds identified with the Conservative Party of Canada, and at the tax payer's expense.

"Dimitri Soudas said. 'But ultimately, signs for projects under the Economic Action Plan is a sign of transparency and accountability.'"

How many out there think that when Harper and the Con's say it is simply 'transparency' and 'accountability' what they are really referring to is trying to make Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada transparent and make people feels that they are accountable to Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada party for these funds, as opposed to all the people of Canada, united as one great nation, helping those that need help.

Oh, and by the way, did I mention . . . if you notice, Dimitri Soudas is not saying that the reason it is being done is for 'transparency and accountability', simply that is the, alleged, result.

Also, lets be rational here. If it is being done for ' transparency and accountability', why the secrecy.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html