09 September, 2010

- Stephen Harper on the Long Form Census - What are the Odds We're Being Con'd

9/9/2010 10:00:54 AM The Globe and Mail

Government study reveals significant errors in voluntary census, Steven Chase, The Globe and Mail, Sep. 09, 2010

Tab 17

"A study conducted by Statistics Canada weeks before Ottawa revealed its plan to scrap the mandatory long-form census found that significant errors can creep into survey results gathered on a voluntary basis.

. . .

The Statscan study, Potential Impact of Voluntary Survey on Selected Variables, was prepared with full knowledge of Ottawa’s census change plans."

Here's a few questions for which all those statisticians out there might hazard a guess.

- what are the odds that Tony Clement was not aware of this study:
- prior to announcing getting rid of the Long Form census
- by the time of the resignation of Munir Sheikh
- until today's newspaper

- what are the odds that Tony Clement come out and make a statement that he was aware of it and when.

- If you were required to complete the Long Form Census (under the current regime, by threat of law)
would you:
a) - bite the bullet and fill it out
b) - leave it blank and make them force you
c) - lie
d) - put your religion down as 'Jedi'

- If there is a change would you rather:
a) get rid of the Long Form entirely and just go with the regular
b) get rid of the sanctions and rely on the good will of Canadians
to fill it out.
c) Have no problems with it if they paid you:
- $10.00 (hey, ten bucks, is ten bucks)
- $50.00
- $100.00
- other [please fill in]

- Given there are:
There are approx 692 Federal Statutes with their corresponding sets of regulations (approx 3442). Generally each (statute and pursuant regulations, rules, etc) has provisions for criminal prosecution for failing to do something it requires be done or not doing something that would transgress the provisions of the legislation. This is besides the Canadian Criminal Code.

What are the odds of any Canadian violating one of these on any given day.

- If Harper and the Con's got rid of every one of these, based on Canadians should not be compelled by force of law, how long would it take to get rid of all of them.

- What are teh odds we are being Con'd by Stephen Harper, Tony Clement and the Conservative Party of Canada

Also, how does this study square with everything Tony Clement has said regarding the Long Form Registry - anyone hazard a guess.

PS: Harper attacking the 'Long' Form Census and 'Long' Gun Registry, what is this, some kind of Freudian thing.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html