19 September, 2010

- Harplet - Did he release or not release – that is the question

9/19/2010 12:21:49 PM
Tories turn Google against rural Mps in gun-registry feud, Jane Taber, September 17, 2010
Tab 129
follow-up from: "Harplet, 'To release or not to release – that is the question:', I posted to cicblog, On 23 Aug.

The article didn't mention who is paying for all these ads. I hope it isn't the good tax payers of Canada - yah, like Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada would ever use tax money to promote him and their party.

So, has the Report been released?

Does having the media leak it count.

'09 Gun Registry Report, in which RCMP evaluation apparently states that:

"The report concludes the registry prepares officers for urgent calls, helps them trace weapons found at crime scenes and assists in keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable.

“It ensures police are better equipped to respond to, for example, a situation of domestic violence, assess potential safety risks and confirm the possible presence of firearms and their legal status,” the evaluation says." (Globe and Mail)

With a cost of between $2 - $4 million a year, apparently. (The $1billion Harper spentt, and in one shot, on the Con Photo Op in Toronto in Aug. would finance the registry for 250 years)

On 23 Aug. I posted to cicblog:

- Harplet, "To release or not to release – that is the question:"

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous criticisms
Or to take arms against a sea of opposition
And, by suppressing the Report, end it.

[take-off from Shakespeare's Hamlet]

It seems to me the litmus test on this one is:

Does this mean that the 'major Report' on the Gun Registry that Cheliak was going to release before the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police at its annual general meeting in Edmonton, will still be released at the same time, or at least well before the 22 September vote on the private member's gun registry vote.

This is, as opposed to say, 2 days after the vote, which, it seems, as I recall, happened in the last Report and vote on the same Bill - vis.: "The email trail shows the 2008 firearms report was received on Sept. 18, [2009] but 'apparently reviewed by the office of the liaison to the minister for some time. The minister's office is now saying that because they did not receive the report until Oct. 9, they have until Nov. 6 to table it' [2 days after the vote, 4 Nov.'09].

The 2008 report was a largely positive review of the gun control program, and confirmed growing police use of the gun registry database. The 2009 numbers are even more pronounced. " (Toronto Star)

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html