23 September, 2010

- Harper, How about Some Rationality - Not Fear Mongering, Logic - Not Mud Slinging, Transparency - not Partizanship, Truth - Not Hype

Submitted: 7:32 PDT, 23 Sep.'10
Liberals won't let Flaherty's rhetorical excesses provoke an election, Joan Bryden, The Canadian Press, 22/09/2010

Harper, Flaherty and the Con's, engaging in "politics of fear, division, envy and resentment at a time when Canadians need to hear a message of hope and unity."

Harper "making up Liberal policy".

Flaherty engaging in "'bottom-feeder' brand of partisanship

Iggie, Goodale, when you're right your right (morally that is).

Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada have no concern about what the truth is. There are many, many examples.

Just keep in mind Tom Flanagan, a former Harper adviser, said about the Harper attack ads on Ignatieff “It doesn't have to be true. It just has to be plausible"

Michael Ignatieff, Ralph Goodale must be very careful not to allow Harper to define Iggie and the Liberal policies. One need only recall what happened to Dion.

When it suites them, Harper and the Con's go around saying that the Liberals have no policies. Then, when it suites them, they go round telling everyone what the Liberal policies are. Sounds pretty disingenuous to me.

As far as the Harper - Flaherty GST cuts:

It seems just about any Economist, who wants to by taken seriously that is, thinks it was the wrong thing to do.

Even Harper's advisor at the time, Ian Brodie, has admitted as much. “Despite economic evidence to the contrary, in my view the GST cut worked … It worked in the sense that it helped us to win.”;

Just think, $12 billion a years taken out of the Federal coffers - it could have paid for the 16 billion plus, price tag for 65 F16's, in just a couple years, or, better, seriously reduce the deficit or help finance important and needed social programs.

Corporate taxes - Ignatieff would not be increasing corporate taxes he would simply freeze them, for the time being. There is a difference, especially when you have such large deficits and existing low corporate taxes (. This would prevent the Federal coffers from losing another $5 - 6 billion a year.

[Ignatieff] "We believe passionately in competitive corporate tax rates. We're telling you though, we can't afford them now. There's just too much we have to do to get our fiscal house in order and make the investments that will make us a productive society." (CBC)

"Harper . . . , like Flaherty, he accused "tax-and-spend" Liberals of proposing "deep and high" increases to the GST, corporate and personal taxes, and even taxes on iPods."

Perhaps, Harper, Flaherty might explain, in rational - not fear mongering, logical - not mud-slinging, and plane - not partizan, fashion, substantiated by facts - not slanders, and reality - not hype, just exactly what they are basing these allegation on. That would surely be interesting reading. But, don't hold your breath on this.

In fact, Harper reducing the GST by 2 points was simply the wrong thing to do. What happened to the best interest of all Canadians. Shame on you Mr. Harper.

In fact, Corporate taxes - Ignatieff stated he not be increasing corporate taxes he would simply freeze them, for the time being, because of the huge deficits. That's pretty sound financial policy to me. What's your problem with that, Mr. Flaherty.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html