22 September, 2010

- Harper, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder What You Are . . . and Who You're Going to Vote For

Posted: 9/22/2010 10:21:01 AM The Globe and Mail
Outdrawn in the gun fight, Tories train sights on election, Globe and Mail, Sep. 22, 2010
Tab 40

I can't see Harper and the Con's calling an election on the Gun Registry (GR). For one thing, the voting public are already constellated, and have been for a long, long time, on the issue and not likely to shift - and it simply does not produce the numbers for a majority.

There are 3 groups:
- those that will vote Con because of their stance on the GR;
- those that will vote against the Con's for the same reason;
- all the other that will vote based on things (like the deficit, Harper spending, economy)

These groups have already been very well defined and not likely to change unless Harper and the Con's actually do abolish the GR, then the:
- 2nd group will not likely change since they will be even more against Harper.
- 3rd won't change.
- 1st group may very well lose their need to support Harper and the Con's so strongly, or at all.

Further, Stephen Harper, Jim Flaherty and the Conservative Party of Canada seem to be going both ways on what the election issue will be. When it suites them, it is the Long Gun Registry, and when it suites them it is the economy.

The Campaign issue will involve the economy. But, you can betcha it will be in the light of the deficit and the Harper and Con's spending with reckless abandon.

If Harper thought, in the least, that it could be the basis for obtaining more seats or even a majority then it seems Harper would not have had a private members bill introduced. He would have had the government introduce it and say it is a question of confidence (yah, like he has ever done that before).

If Harper really wanted to get rid of the GR he would have had the dismantling provisions introduced in the Budget implementation bill - (yah, like he has ever done that before).

Stephen Harper who only last week said his government “is not going to rest until that long gun registry is abolished.”

The key here is not "abolish". It is "rest".

Quite simply Harper does not want to put the GR to rest, he wants to keep it going.

Harper uses the GR as a 'call-to-arms' of the party faithful (little pun) and fund raising. He has made it his and the Con's "Raison D'etre".

When it's gone, what then, dissolve the Con Party.

Perhaps all those people who support the Con's for this reason only will start to take a hard look at Harper and the Con's and decide that they and Canada can do better, much better.

Actually abolishing the RG is a losing strategy for Harper.

Keith Martin has served his riding very well over the years, it is hard to see them getting much better, especially from a 'newbe'. It is hard to see him losing because of his stance on the GR.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html