14 May, 2010

- Separation of the State and Harper

Submitted: 6:50am, PDT, 14 May, '10 Ottawa Citizen
By Susan Riley, The Ottawa Citizen May 14, 2010

The separation of state and Church is vital to our way of life. We are not Iran. Canada's political system is not a facade of Democratic process with the Executive being made up of religious extremists who wield the real power and make policy.

Government policy based on religious beliefs caters to a minority and marginalizes a majority in a diverse society, by the very meaning of 'diverse society' it must. It results in policies that are emotionally based, divest of rationality with no consideration for what it best for all Canadians, except what a small minority of the self-righteous thinks is best for everyone else. It also inflicts beliefs that are extreme, harsh and even cruel, intolerant and not representative of many people. In actuality can represent an infringement of religious freedom that is not justifiable in a free and democratic society.

The Harper tough on Crime is a prime example. As it turns out they have nothing to support their position to say that it is in the best interest of all Canadians. In fact, all the evidence points to the exact opposite. This is illustrated by the Report just released (Sep.'09) by Graham Stewart, Prof Michael Jackson, et al.

The response by the Con’s, “The professor has a different philosophy than us,” then Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan (to CBC). You got that Right Van Loan.

One need only look at the sins committed in the name of the Church in the last 2000 years, the Inquisition, witch hunts, persecution and other 'religious cleanings' to understand the importance of the principle of separation of Church and State. This sounds extreme and there may be people who say, never in Canada. However, it is insidious. The Self-Righteous have a well developed ability to 'justify' any actions and behavior. One need only look at terrorism and other present day examples.

It took hundreds of years to separate the Church from government and we must vigilant not to allow it to insinuate itself again. I haven't had a chance to read Marci McDonald's book (how much does it cost, anyway) nor her article at walrusmagazine.com,
The rising clout of Canada’s religious right, Marci McDonald, Oct.'06

but I salute any who stand up to defend our freedoms and cherished way of life.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html